Damian listened to Lazarus yell at the other sword wielder and raised an eyebrow quizzically. What was it that the guy had said that would have Lazarus yelling like that and then suddenly stop? Dismissing it, Damian finishes his pie and thanks Jarvis again before taking his drink and sitting at a table versus the bar. That way he could see what was going on without having to turn around. As he sipped at his drink, he couldn't help but smile as the guild all made declarations of their inevitable victory and that the others shouldn't bother and the indignant responses from those who paid them any mind. However, despite it all, they still laughed and joked and were otherwise a guild. And even more than that, they seemed like a family. A big, many membered, possibly sometimes dysfunctional family, but a family none the less. And Damian, well, he loved it. His family had died so long ago and he'd been fairly lonely over the last eight years, even though he was almost always surrounded by people during his stays in various inns. This...this felt genuine to him and he would do anything to protect it.