[b]Dallas, Texas, Lance Corporation HQ[/b] Robert's office was well furnished, as was the office of any CEO of a major corporation. He sat in a nice comfy black office chair, with a set of big glass windows at his back, the walls of the office were made of a nice solid wood, and so was his desk. Robert himself was a tall man, with black hair, wearing a business suit typical of his job. He heard a knock at his office door, and told whoever it was to come in. In stepped through Rocket Scientist Gordon Freeman, the man stood tall and had glasses. His beard and hair were quite short, and he had come to Robert to ask some questions regarding the future of Lance Corp. "I do have some fears regarding the future of this program Robert, your brother Fergus is very much a socialist, and I do not think he approves so far of Lance Corp being what it is and seeking to profit from space, he might attempt to nationalize us, what is your opinion on this subject Robert?" asked Gordon. "I do not think Fergus will attempt to nationalize us anytime soon, he still has likes and respects me enough that he wouldn't tear down all of my work that I have put into this company. I would be careful however, he pretty much has the total support of the people, and congress. I imagine he will be itching for a excuse to nationalize the company." replied Robert "Alright, also I did not receive the construction orders, do you know them off the top of your head?" asked Gordon again "Yes, I ordered the construction of a launch pad as well as 2 solid rocket boosters, then a liquid fuel engine and tank." said Robert. "Thank you then Robert, if you don't mind I need to go advise construction." replied Gordon. And with that, he left the office.