Finally reaching the supply route, the pair kept low as a Chaos Land Raider rumbled past, not seeing them for the tree's. Yoheved pulled her Blast Pistol and aimed it, but accepted the fact that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She looked Archemedes. "Take this message to the commander on the ground at the Hive." she then straightened her uniform "Commander, this is Inquisitor Yoheved, your supply line seems to have been broken as-" she then ran for cover as the unmistakable sound of more heavy vehicles moving up was heard. She peaked out from behind a tree to see 3 Chaos Rhino's rolling past. As soon as they had gone, she turned back to the Owl. "As you can see, the enemy is now using our supply lines to move their troops. I want this whole road bathed in promethium." she said. "Let them burn in a sea of holy fire." she then lifted her arm up and the cyborg Owl took flight. So close to the hive, she couldn't risk using her Vox Caster, otherwise she could be discovered. "What are we to do now?" asked Taurtacus. "We will continue to move." she replied as she began walking through the trees towards the thunderous sounds of cannonfire. -Inside the Hive- Archemedes flapped above the battlefield, he was far too small to be noticed by any of the daemons or Chaos Worshippers. It finally caught eye of Igam and swooped in, blasting a bloodletter that was charging him with it's Bale implant, before landing on his arm, a hologram of the Inquisitor appeared and showed the footage. [i]"Commander, this is Inquisitor Yoheved, your supply line seems to have been broken as-" she then ran for cover as the unmistakable sound of more heavy vehicles moving up was heard. She peaked out from behind a tree to see 3 Chaos Rhino's rolling past. As soon as they had gone, she turned back to the Owl. "As you can see, the enemy is now using our supply lines to move their troops. I want this whole road bathed in promethium." she said. "Let them burn in a sea of holy fire."[/i] It had no way of knowing that he wasn't in charge, seeing as how he was the highest ranking officer it could find on the ground levels.