Arriving at the destitute farmland, Joel paused for a moment of contemplation as his eyes surveyed the abandoned landscape for any sign of activity. Surely, the deteriorating lot was a somber sight, but the priest’s mind instead occupied itself with the exciting thought of new opportunity. A mysterious new farmer arriving to renovate the decay into a prosperous plot of land is a romantic notion that swept Joel’s attention away from the tomfoolery playing out within earshot of him. However, Vi’s shouting swiftly demanded Joel return to reality. “You two go get married, I’ll worry about getting my chores done today!” Perplexed by the unusual statement, Joel turned his head to the situation that spurred the exclamation; noticing the vibrant red figure of La Rosa alleviated all confusion. An unfamiliar fellow was locked in the impish lady’s arms, with an expression that screamed for salvation. Not wasting a moment, Joel quickly but casually strolled to join the two’s company. Joel wore a playful smile as he greeted the two, but it was gentle and warm in comparison to La Rosa’s. “I hurried over upon hearing wedding bells; shall I proclaim your union now, or would you prefer to make an event of it?” Joel locked eyes with La Rosa as he made this comment, but then unsubtly scanned the young man in her arms. He was a young soul, and terribly overwhelmed by what was happening. The bird poop covered basket and Vi’s earlier outburst indicated that the youth had obviously met her too. Vi could be a handful herself, and the addition of La Rosa could make for a deadly concoction if unfamiliar with them, which the poor youth surely was. Assuming this was the new farmer, Joel addressed him in an effort to provide the youth with an opportunity to speak. “You have a knack for attracting the affections of the fairer sex friend.” It was not unusual for La Rosa to act provocatively around folks, or for Vi to provide for others, but Joel knew that the boy might not know that. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearl let out an audible sigh of relief as he collapsed down onto a stool. Several collections of assembled items lay upon a shelf near the shop’s counter, each labeled with the name of a Mineral Town resident. Waking early this morning, Pearl had been assembling orders and supplies for pick-up, and only now managed to find a minute of ease. A minute is all he allowed as well, as almost exactly sixty seconds later, Pearl stood up and opened the doors to his shop. It was seven o’clock, and the store had opened precisely on time, which was late in the shopkeeper’s mind. Stepping outside with a broom in hand, the hurried shopkeeper frantically swept the store’s entryway until pristine, and placed a welcome sign upon it. Pearl turned outside to face the town and triumphantly announced, “Phalen’s General Goods is open for business, hunt around and maybe find a shimmering pearl!” Exhausting all his enthusiasm in one statement, a meek expression washed over Pearl’s face as he wandered back into his shop, and planted himself behind his desk. Investigating his “To Do” list, Pearl realized he had accomplished all necessary tasks for the moment. All that is currently required of him is to conduct business when a customer walked in. In light of his freedom, Pearl pulled out a decadent ukulele, and began to tinker and tune the strings of his favorite instrument. The intermittent sound of a soft chord occasionally echoed outside the shop. After each pluck of a string, Pearl glanced through his doorway to see if any customers were approaching, so he could offer them his immediate attention upon entry.