Looking around this infirmary, Daniel sighed. What was there to do? Break your bones once more? Most likely. He was in this place every day, almost 24/7. It was like his home inside his home that was away from his home which was his real home. BUT THEN, he thought, 'Wait, if I stay here every day, then people won't hurt me! But then I'll get bad grades and then people will go looking and when they find me they might hurt me! BUT THEN IF I HIDE HERE THEY WON'T FIND ME! Ha. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo logical! OH NO, THAT'S SOPHIA'S THING, SHIT!' And then he started looking like he was panicking. But then, a girl walked in. A purple haired girl walked in. And guess what? Some other person talked to her. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! FUCK! HE HAD MISSED HIS CHANCE, YET AGAIN! And he bonked himself in the head with his own yoyo, effectively making him fall to the side of his bed. "uh...hi, person." OH SHIT, THE OTHER PERSON IS WALKING TOWARDS THAT PURPLE HAIRED GIRL! "noooo.." Daniel said, very quietly