I didn't realize this was open! Name - Philip Carter Alias - Fate Age - 21 Sponsor - Zatanna Personality - reserved, guarded, shy Powers - Various magical and mystical abilities, mainly shields, flight, teleportation, telekinesis, etc. He has learned more magic and has several artifacts which enhances his powers. The Amulet of Anubis enhances Phil’s natural magical power, and allows him to communicate with the previous Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson. The Gauntlets of the Four Sons provides powerful protection to Phil making him able to withstand gunfire, and enhances and shields that he makes. Weaknesses - The Helm of Nabu is constantly trying to possess Phil. Nabu can telepathically speak to Phil if he is nearby. Although he has learned more personal magic, much of Phil’s powers rely on the enhancement of artifacts. He also has limited use in his left arm and hand due to an injury from last year. Appearance - Phil is slim, a little bit taller than average, with dark hair and green eyes. He wears golden gauntlets, an Egyptian collar, and dark blue shirt. BRIEF Bio - After the previous Dr. Fate's death, the Helm of Nabu chose a new user, a mere boy. When the helm chose him, Philip had just started college, studying archaeology. A very reserved person, Phil only acting when he knows the best course of action. When he can't think of an optimal action, he often freezes in indecision. What's Changed - Although Phil started out his superhero career as an heir to the mantle of Doctor Fate, Phil no longer uses the Helm of Nabu, the source of Doctor Fate’s powers. The Helm of Nabu and its namesake spirit are still corrupted by some outside force. Leaving the team, Phil focused on his emanate battle with Nabu's corrupter. He has spent the interim collecting more magical artifacts in hopes to eventually confront and exercise Nabu’s corrupter. He has spent some time training with Justice League Dark in Europe. Notes - Zatanna, as the only magic-user, is the natural choice for a sponsor. This does not mean it was a good choice. Thinking that there are others who deserve the helm's power more, Zatanna is perplexed and perhaps a bit jealous that the Helm of Nabu would choose Phil, not knowing the internal struggle he shoulders.