Senator Vicaver began cackling as Virus lunged onto Akira. "Yes, yes, break that slave! That insolent worm shall be kneeling before me soon! Ha!" Senator Vicaver took a hefty quaff from his mug, before staring incredulously as Akira had Virus tossed away. "NO! NO! NO! NO! THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE!" His flesh began crawling, well not literally, but was shaking and gaining a red hue. "... SLAAAAAAAAVE!" --------------------------------- Virus was tossed a far bit away, as he slammed against the walls of the arena, as chips of rock fell off. Booger, was elbow dropped in precisely the right location on his neck, as he yelped, before falling to the ground limp. The announcer spoke up, "AND BOOGER IS OUT! THE ONLY REMAINING MEMBER OF THE WILDSTONE PACK IS VIRUS!" The crowd began roaring into cheer, "AKIRA! AKIRA! PARTIAL METAL AKIRA!" Virus shook his head as he glanced back at Akira, as blood was dripping from his back. He stood there for a moment, as he began hissing a bit, after that he charged towards Akira returning back to his normal howling. Something was different about Virus, well besides the injuries, it seemed that now some viscous rust colored ooze was now dripping from his maw, and a small bit was coming from his claws. Virus now, closer to Akira attempted to bite at Akira's torso.