Millie sensed the trouble before she saw it. Victor left to go see Angel and Millie’s eyes were on Deon fighting in the ring. Then something in the air changed and the hairs on Millie’s arms raised. Something was about to go down. She turned her head towards Angel and Victor and saw the crowd around that area of the bar steadily growing. There were more Lost Ones here tonight than Millie had realised. Millie stood up to make her way to the table and, just as quickly, two of the Lost Ones disengaged from the group and walked towards the bar. Millie quickly made her movements look more natural, settling herself on the bar close enough to them that she could hear what they were saying. She tossed her hair over to the side of her they were stood on, so they wouldn’t think she was paying attention, and leaned her elbows on the bar, requesting a drink from her friend the barman. [i]What did she try to do, kiss you so you'd tell her where our people live? Have sex with you for the location of most of our money?[/i] Millie had to admit, that was a pretty common tactic, especially coming from Angel, and she wouldn’t put it past her. Still, Millie didn't exactly enjoy them talking about Angel that way. One of the Lost Ones left his friend, who remained at the bar looking none too happy from what Millie could see through her hair. She flicked it back, moving so that it appeared she was simply stretching. The gun in the back of her jeans was very well hidden, considering, but she threw on the jacket she had brought anyway. “I’m freezing.” She said, nonchalantly, to the guy who remained behind at the bar, whom the other had called Knox. If Angel hadn’t succeeded in getting information out of him, maybe she would. She glanced at him and gave him a slight smile and a shrug. "Got stood up."