Sasha looked up at Lazarus voice, and then back down just as quickly, blushing as she remembered the night before. [hider=flashback]After talking so more about teaming up, and after finishing dinner, Sasha insisted upon ice cream, and this time she took Lazarus out to a cute little ice cream stand, where she conversed with the owner for a few minutes, enquiring about his family, and how business was going, and it was obvious that she had gone to it a few times before, and she ordered her favorite, ordering Lazarus some as well It was nice walking slowly through town, towards the guild once more, and rather the talk about teaming up, SSha started to just talk. Little things, and before she knew it, they were back at the guild. She blinked, having eaten her ice cream without noticing. She was actually a little disappointed, but looked up to Lazarus. She didn't know what was expected, having never really been out with a guy like this. As she looked up at Lazarus, she could almost see the internal debate within him, just like back at the restaurant. He was blushing again, which made her blush, and smile slightly. And then he kissed her on the check. Sasha could feel her face heat up even more, and she tried to speak, but couldn't. It wasn't like it was a proper kiss or anything, but...she had never really been kissed in anyway, and it just seemed so intimate. Eventually, she managed to find her voice, and she said "goodnight, Seeya tomorrow!" Before fleeing to her room[/hider] She swallowed, and managed to turn her attention back to Mayt "the master will stopped you if it gets too serious. Don't worry. And thank you. I think once I get my letters sorted out, I'll be okay. And just some of the words. I get frustrated and slam the book shut" she smiled, taking a drink of her drink, looking up as she saw someone standing outside the building. People were always standing outside the building, so she didn't take much notice of them, and instead turned back to Mayt, "you'll do fine. Sometimes using magic under stress helps you learn new ways of using it. Who knows what will happen? At least you've been here for a month. Look at Damian-his first day in te guild yesterday and we end up creating enemies from the Ragged Brotherhood. So you have some experience with being in a guild, and with everyone's powers!" --- [quote=Iatos] As Scier were walking along the oad, he discovered that many around him had their own paces even if none looked very strressed. He figured it was a pretty calm town actually, and it seemd rather friendly due to the countless trade. He looked around for a library, but what he found was all that much more interesting, it was a poster talking about a guild known as the Phoenix wing, certainly something of interest. He had read so much about guilds, and at times visiited them , this guild seemed really famous, and thus he wanted to visit it more than others. He gave himself a nod, turned his back towards the wall and then headed towards yonder for a long walk until he reached it... it was certainly one of the most impressive looking building he ever seen... yet he wondered if he would dare to go inside... suddenly feeling very nervous about it. [/quote] Master Jamie appeared at the door, leaning against it. "If you are looking to join, I'd do so now, we are about to have a ranking competition. I'm the master here, Jamie, and we'd loved to have you aboard!" He gave the man a smile "you won't find a better guild. Come, join the family"