After much deliberation Wormwood, I have to ask for my cult OC Belly Laugh be put in the art Que Here are is some general information on her Name: Belladonna 'Laughter' Drama; Belly Laugh to her friends Appearance: Taller and slimmer than your average earth pony, while she doesn't have Fluer De Lis's body type, she clearly has some nobility in her family. Her body is Lavender and her mane and tail ( primarily minty green with a lavender highlight. ) Wavy to the point of being curly, and are on the short side to stay out of the way of her acrobatic fighting style. Eyes are bright blue. Race: Earth Pony A member of the cult of Laughter and a former Jester of Baltimar. Normally wearing a hooded cape that is dark gray on the outside and pink on the inside. ( Totally optional ) A primacy descriptor of her would be 'lovely'. With her poise, presence, beauty, general flirtatiousness with any mare with a pulse, and vocal talents it is common that she is mistaken for a Sapphire Siren when out and about as a civilian. Possible poses: This has always been my weak point when requesting Bella be drawn xD Nothing truly comes to mind so do whatever comes natural for a flirty, playful, deadly assassin type. If you want her to have some kind of prop I'd go with either her Jester mask or a simple throwing knife ( as knives are her weapon of choice )