[center]Nikhil "Windy" Kareem[/center] Long blue hair billowed out behind a tan figure, the speed at which similarly blue rollerblade wheels spun causing a clatter amongst the stone streets. Windy greeted children heading home with a large smile, waving enthusiastically as they called his name. Turning on his heel, he made his way to a window on the street, the smell of Arom's waters filling his lungs. It was, by now, a familiar smell to Windy, but there were always spots with stronger scents than others. Raising a slender, tan arm and knocking gently on the window, Windy scooted back and waited patiently, pulling out a small packet and a slip of paper as he waited patiently. The window opened, the face greeting him being that of a woman with six eyes, each one blinking separately. Windy smiled and rolled himself closer, stretching out thin arms and offering the packet and paper, to which the woman squeaked in response. "Oh! Thank you! I thought I would never get it," said the woman, her voice a mix of violin strings being plucked and the clatter of falling pebbles, her sharp teeth crashing against one another. Taking hold of the packet, the woman fussed, "Oh, wait, hold on, let me get you a tip- and I need a pen, too- oh!" Windy had procured a pen from his knapsack, to which the woman thanked him for as she reached for it. Signing her name, she gave the delivery boy back his pen as well as the bill, rushing inside for a moment before arriving once more and handing a rather hefty tip. "Thank you so much again, you angel," chirped the woman before waving as Windy headed off, skating past darkening skies, street lamps clicking on and illuminating the clear waters. The rattle of wheels against uneven ground was a comforting sound in the slowly emptying streets, stray persons wandering as they headed home, to work, or simply for a walk. Arriving once more at the florist, Windy was greeted by darkness, his boss no doubt having closed up shop already. He reached out to the bell by the counter and tapped it thrice, in a code that announced his arrival before slipping off the knapsack, the florist's logo embellished brightly on it's side. Resting it over the counter, Windy rang the bell once more, this time only twice, stating that he was heading out. The owner never minded what Windy was up to after work hours, and Windy always enjoyed a night stroll throughout the dark nights of Arom. As the boy made his way throughout the streets, his eyes wandered the skies, his hand reaching up to undo the ponytail he brandished while working, letting loose a flurry of unruly blue hair. Windy's eyes glanced down in alarm at the hint of movement, turning himself just in time to evade a straggler of a cat. Doing so, however, made him lose his balance, and before he knew it, Windy crashed against a man grumbling about platinum. His mouth opened and closed without sound, a hand rising to rub at his tan nose while the other waved in apology, his golden eyes lifting to the hooded man and trying to explain that it was all an accident in a matter of sign language. --- [center]Jonah Ramuels[/center] "Thank you, thank you so much, Jonah, sir," said a one-eyed girl, her sentence choked between tears. As the blonde potion-maker observed her, he couldn't help but wonder exactly how so much liquid could come out of one eye. She continued to blubber on, thick, yellow painted fingers clinging to a vial and holding it close to her chest as she weeped. Jonah knew exactly how to respond to situations such as so, reaching a long arm and petting the cyclops girl on her head. "It's alright," he said, in his sickeningly gentle voice, his yellow eyes glittering under the artificial light, "Just be sure he doesn't see you until next week. You'll have the money by then, right?" "I'll have to money even sooner, if you want," sniffled the girl, whose tears only continued to pour at the potions master's gentle touch. Again, she repeated, "Thank you, thank you-" "Right well," said Jonah, cutting her off, "It's getting late. You should get going then now, alright?" To which the one eyed girl nodded, rising from her seat as she continued to cry and thanking him before heading out the door, using her shirt to wipe at the waterfall that was her face. The blonde haired man sighed as he sank into his seat, his head leaning back, hands rising to wipe at his exhausted face. It was one of his more popular potions that the girl wanted, one involving turning themselves into their ideal idea of beauty. It was second only to an actual love potion, though from what Jonah gathered, attractiveness was more for acceptance and popularity rather than straight up love. "Kai!" he called, his right hand rubbing at his temple, "Do me a favour and head out?" = "Find me a person to sleep with tonight." He slowly pulled himself up to a walk, heading to the door first and lock it before starting towards the rest of the house. His backdoor entrance was usually what he used when tending to customers, set up almost shop-like if not for stray pieces of cloth here and there. At first Jonah cared about cleanliness and care, but after his name on a bottle was official enough for people to believe that he was legit, he stopped keeping up appearances. In fact, contrary to him going to them, they started to come to him. There was a feeling in the cursed man's blood that it was somehow a bad idea for business to be so good, but he shook it off to paranoia. "I'll be heading out for the beauty ingredients," he called out as he rummaged through pile of clothes to search for a coat, "So I can't do it myself. Oh, and while you're at it, maybe grab some dinner along the way? You can pick anything you want."