Clementine had caught sight of the annoyed look in her partners eyes. While she was less upset with the idea, the brunette understood that their was hardly any diversity in their group. Taking a glance at the blade strapped to Cordelia, the Knight unconsciously clenched the handles of her own swords as she began to feel a bit awkward. Drayden, who was now Cordelia’s partner, still had yet to show any signs of weapons. It was possible that he had something hidden, but so far it was safe to assume they were all pretty much short-range, or mid-range fighters, which could prove some issues with strategy in the future. Watching Yu glare at the other two a small frown slipped along Clem’s features, but before she could reassure her partner of their circumstances a heavy chill ran down her spine, and a fierce roar ripped through the awkward tension sending the Knight into Pouncing out from the heavy brush a large Beowolf lunged at Clementine and Yu, casting a menacing shadow over their bodies as it lunged them. Its large fanged teeth were bared and massive claws were outstretched ready to take down both Hunters, but with adrenaline from the fall still coursing through the Knight and her instincts running high, she didn’t even miss a beat. A gloved hand smoothed over the grip of Yggdrasil as slender fingers wrapped firmly around the cool stone handle. Pulling it from the scaled scabbard with a sharp ring that echoed through the tree’s Clementine swung hard and fast as flesh met blade, slicing through the Grimms throat with ease before it could take either of them down. The head of the Beowolf bounced off the ground with a fleshy squish as the separated body tumbled in a limp mess along the grass before the group. With her eyes still on the brush ahead, brown eyes widened as she caught sight of the oncoming horde of Beowolves and Ursa's, “[b]Shit— We need to move![/b]” Shouting out to the group, Clementine slid her left foot back taking a strong stance before her right hand wrapped around Gorgons grip. Drawing the sword with another sharp ring and raising it to eye-level with her finger on the trigger, another Beowolf sprung from the bushes ready to pounce, but once again Clem was too quick. Firing the Gunblade, the explosive round emptied into the creatures chest in an explosion of blood and shrapnel as the force caused it to fly back behind the bush and take out an Ursa before it could rush through the bush. Without missing a step she moved with the recoil of her handmade blade, sheathed Yggdrasil, and took off in a run in the opposite direction of the Horde, “[b]Go! Go! Go![/b]” It was impossible to count how many were around them, but it was safe to assume that there had to dozens. Snarls, roars, and growls surrounded them, blocking out any other noise in the Emerald forest and causing the hairs along the back of her neck and arms to stand as a terrible feeling began to churn in her gut. They needed to get to the Sky Castle, if not now then soon. Making sure that Yu was close behind her, she turned her head back around and stared up at the mountain coming into view ahead. “[b]We’re too outnumbered, we need to get to Laputa![/b]” She shouted over her shoulder to her team. Despite her words, Clementine wasn’t all to sure how to get the island herself, much less any means of transportations there. Her semblance had provided a landing, but she wasn’t too sure it could provide them with a way there, not to mention the horde that was closely following behind them was going to be trouble. Stopping a few feet before the ascent she waited for her team to head up the cliff first, “[b]Hurry, up the mountain! If we get high enough I can use my Semblance to stop them from following us up![/b]” With Gorgon still in her grip she raised the GunBlade once again and began to fire off rounds, shooting down two Beowolves in a bloody mess as they attempted to jump out at the group. Taking on any of the creatures following them now in close-range was sure to get them surrounded, but if Clementine knew if she kept firing shots like this she was sure to catch the attention of something far worse then Beowolves, and Ursa’s.