Kai was asleep. At least, as asleep as a doll can be. Her body was completely still, sitting exactly upright on a wooden chair in a certain blonde's kitchen. Her eyes were wide pen but unseeing, their usual brightness nothing more than a faint glimmer, and her hands were crossed neatly on her lap. She looked like, well, and actual doll. When there was nothing to do around the house she would resort to this, a way of lazing around that required no brain activity what so ever. And it was rather effective. Until [i]he[/i] came a callin'. Kai groaned at the sound of Jonah's calls, and with jerking, clanking movements she rose from the chair and stretched. Her limbs rotated as she attempted to regain a bit of fluid movement and once ready to set out she clambered around the house, heading towards the back door with loud footsteps. The shop was, of course, dirty, but that was Jonah's fault. She'd clean it if there weren't so many people coming in and out everyday. She turned her attention to the rummaging man, throwing one of her pigtails over her shoulder with a defiant 'hmmp'. Jonah always asked her to do such... Gross work. It wasn't that hard, just make friends with a pretty lady, take her home, and he'd do the rest, but she still felt gross for basically picking chicks up off the street. Ah well. "... Oh, and while you're at it, maybe grab some dinner along the way? You can pick anything you want." Kai glanced up at Jonah, face showing an expression of pure confusion, and then she tilted her head back and let out a shrill laugh. Her mouth didn't move, but her shoulders hitched and her eyes closed with glee at her master's own stupidity, "Ha... Ha. Idiot." She wiped an invisible tear from her eye and then pointed to her mouth, "I don't eat, I CAN'T eat. Haven't been able to for a [i]while[/i] now, genius." Kai shook her head, shrugging, "I'll go get your plaything and bring you back something to eat, just don't get lost or anything. See ya." She waved a dainty hand and rounded about the bottom floor of the house, exiting through the front door. The familiar neighborhood was nearly silent in the dimming light, and wind caused her light-weight, plain white gown to flutter around her knees. After a moment of appreciating the cool air glow her hair and dress around messily she set off, instantly heading towards the more crowded part of town. --- "Are you... Sure you can handle all those bags, lil' miss?" "Sure I'm sure, thanks mister!" Kai nodded at the cashier, holding on easily to four paper bags full of food Jonah liked and cooking ingredients (plus a few misc, unneeded crap which she had found interesting). She exited the store, and instantly began to feign having issues with the baggage, stumbling around the sidewalk like a crippled child. There were plenty of nice-looking woman around, maybe... "Oh, miss, do you need help?" [i]'Peeerfect!'[/i] Kai scooted to a stop, turning slightly to see an elegant, pure-black eyed devil-woman staring at her with obvious worry. Kai felt her eyes upturn with modest happiness, nodding slightly, and the devil moved forward and took two of the bugs, huffing at the sudden weight on her arms, "This is pretty heavy, I'll help you take it home." "Really?" The woman blinked when Kai emitted an answer without moving her mouth, but then shrugged and nodded. There were probably much weirder people out in this city. "I'll lead the way, thank you for helping me!" And with that the two walked together, making idle conversation along the way. Once in the neighborhood, Kai went in for the kill, "Would you like to come in, I'd like to make you some tea as thanks." The woman went silent, as if to consider the offer, and then nodded, "I'd love too." "The please," Kai shifted the bags to one hand, opening the door easily. She threw her hand into the house as if to usher the woman in, "make yourself at home. Have a seat on the couch, I'll put these bags down and start the tea." She slammed the door once the woman was inside and scooped up the other bags, vanishing into the kitchen quickly. She placed the bags gently on the counter and got to work on the kettle. Hopefully Jonah would arrive home soon to finish the job, he was good at woo-ing stupid women, but for now she'll act as kind and normal as possible. Well, as normal as one could be while serving a guest some herbal tea infused with a bit of a passion enhancer. The doll sighed and waited for the pot to whistle, growing more and more bored with each second passing.