Well, while we are on the subject of cooking... Remi Fact: Remi learned to cook working part of his childhood summers in the kitchen of his mother's restaurant. He hated missing out on some of the play during those lazy summer days, but he did gain an appreciation for the art of cooking. Until the boat ride to Norton City, few of Remi's friends were probably aware of this talent. Like most of Remi's secrets, this is less a matter of intention and more the fact that Remiel never thought to display this fact or have any sort of pride in it. ...but now I feel like Kim should have known. He invited Remi over to his house and then Remi and Michaela got into a fierce cooking battle, forcing Kim and the rest of his siblings to eat and judge their various creations, clearing out the Appleberry/Faye pantry and nearly killing the others with burst stomachs. Food would've been good though. Anyway, leaving tomorrow morning on a trip, so I won't be around for a couple days, most like. Try not to be completely lost without me. P.S. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSkb0kDacjs]Boromir Music Minute Number Something![/url]