Wow this got so much more attention than I believed it would but this is good! I'll have the OOC up as soon as I get on my computer (on my phone currently). I see a lot of you discussing posting issues and concerns that revolve around activity. I have a few ideas how to fix this we can discuss in the OOC but for now if anyone has ideas I'd love to hear them. For now I'm thinking as long as people are dedicated and keep the intention to move forward individually there shouldn't be too many problems. I've noticed a lot of activity drops when people begin to rely on the GM alone to run the RP and give them purpose when players themselves should find something to drive them in continuing. Because this world is created to be so massively expansive everyone should feel comfortable in designing landscapes and settings, creating characters and stories as we go along. I also think if we don't get too caught up in the little things we could easily establish a story and get the RP going. I don't like the idea of a posting order because as you might tell I'm all about the individual and not having to be in control of everything. What do you guys think? Also what characters, if any, do you guys think you might want to play? Are there pieces of technology or aspects of your character you feel need to be discussed? Say guns for instance, I imagine flintlock would be okay but others tend to enjoy pure sword & shield fantasy. Edit: apologies if I messed this post up. I did it from my phone and for some reason it has strange spacing but I dunno if that is only because of my phone.