"Rescue from slavers, eh? Well, any jurisdiction that allows that doesn't sit right by me, so I'll give you a hand". Widmax cupped his chin as if he were in deep thought. "For something like this...let's say 3000 credits, 200 regulation star crystals, 80 standard bottles of Fordix oil or 3 Ceedrom Discs, which is one less than the standard exchange rates but I've yet to see even one outside of Ceedrom, I might add. Your choice". The price was crazy low, even for newbies or people with no reputation prices rarely dipped below 6000 credits for a simple job and tackling a slavery operation was rarely simple. "As for you, Sliz, first we find you a cooler name, then you tag along and we'll see what I do with you. What would you like to be called anyway? You must've thought about it at some..." he was interrupted by the newly arrived humanoid girl gushing about his species, himself and the craftsmanship that had gone into his hands. "Er...yes, I was born as an artist unit so I was fitted with s then top of the line artistry body. I had it modified after I left to pursue more...exciting interests. And you are?".