[b]Alex Clark - The Outpost[/b] Accepting a handshake from Phon as the scouting group dispersed Alex made his way towards his tent. There were larger andmore 'prestigeous' places to live inside the Outpost, but they'd be crazy to spend that on a new guy. The tent he had slept in for the past 3 weeks was far from comfortable, but at least it offered a bit of warmth and protection against the rain and the insects. Mostly. Putting the pitchfork in the ground next to the entrance, a gesture that served as a "I'm home" sign, he got on his knees and crawled inside, but heard a sound behind him. There she was, that little girl. Alice was one of the few children living in the Outpost, and one of the cherished hopes for the future. Sadly for him, she liked Alex. [b]"You sound funny. Say something."[/b] Sadly for her, Alex liked kids. [b]"[i]You[/i] sound funny."[/b] The girl frowned at him and made a cocky twist with her head; it was clear Alex' answer did not please her. [b]"Pff! Go dine with a biter!"[/b] She cursed him, which only made Alex smile more. [b]"Well once that herd hits us, we'll invite them for a feast then? That way you won't miss out on the fun at least."[/b] He answered, upon which the roughly 10-year old girl rolled her eyes and walked away. He found it strange to see her like that, and on moments like that she had an uncanny resemblance to her niece back in the UK. She had been 12 years old, and had just discovered the magic of sarcasm and puberty, something that had shocked him beyond reasoning. Now... Well, he had not a single fucking clue about how the situation was across the Atlantic. The most he could do was hope, and ... What were their chances anyways? Was there any reason to harbour hope that his family'd have survived...? He'd have to hope that, but was it really a reasonable thing to believe in...? Dusting off his pants he tossed the backpack in the tent and made his way towards the cantina. At least he could finally eat now. Finally fill his stomach without having to fear that it'd come out any second. The dining hall was crowded, as it was about the hour where everyone went to eat, and he had to hurry to capture a tincan of cooked pasta and a chair next to a guy who worked inside the walls. What was his name again...? Jill...Sullivan...Sylvan... Sylar! He was pretty good at names, and he was proud of that. He'd only had been introduced to the guy once, and indirectly at that, and that made him feel proud of himself. [b]"Hello, Sylar was it? I don't think we've been properly introduced yet. The name's Alex."[/b] He started a conversation while poking at the pasta. He'd gotten the habit to socialize a lot in here, because anything that'd give him a reason to do something instead of give him the time to start thinking and sulking was good.