[hider=Sasha vs Damian] [b]Sasha[/b] Sasha waited for Damian to follow, and slid into a ready stance, "hit me with your best shot, and I'll do the same" she said brightly. She was sure she wouldn't be S class level, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try her best. When they were both ready, she looked to Master Jamie who called out "Sasha and Damian....1...2...3...go!" And she began, starting off with "ice make: floor" and quickly following it with "ice make: bear shield!" Assuming that Damian would attack with his blade magic, she wanted to give him difficulty with traction, and wanted to protect herself. [b]damian[/b] As the floor extended out from where she'd made it, Damian drew both his cutlasses and grinned. "Traction problems? Fun." Using the ice to his advantage, he slid to the left and flipped a cutlass into a reverse grip. "Blade Rain!" Around thirty blades fell from the sky towards Sasha as he started spinning. "Blade Twister." The sword blades circled him, rotated with him then spun towards Sasha, leaving her trapped between a two pronged attack. Using his cutlasses to stop the spin, he created small ice skate blades on his boots to even the playing field in range of movement. Eh, dad would be surprised to discover that mom's ice skating lessons actually serve a purpose besides recreation. He grimaced slightly, when he'd taken those lessons, they hadn't known he had magic. While his attacks closed on Sasha, Damian created his bladed shield, the spinning blades orbiting him and ready to intercept any attack thrown at him. Of course, his shield probably wasn't as durable as that bear. [b]sasha[/b] Sasha blinked as the blades came towards her, her bear rising on two feet to bat one away, and she moved swiftly, "ice make:butterfly cage!" She used her cage around her, protecting her from the other attack. As a small group of butterflies were taken out, more took it's place, and Sasha was able to dodge the attack-just barely as it cut along her arm lightly, causing a few drops of blood to drop to the ground. The beauty with Sasha's magic was that she didn't need to be touching someone for it to work. She could stay in her cage, and use her magic outside of it. It was a way she hadn't thought of using before, and she wondered if she could move with the butterflies around her "Ice make:bird bombers!" The giant birds formed again, crashing down towards Damian. [b]damian[/b] Damian couldn't help but appreciate the way she'd blocked both of his attacks, using the bear and what he could only assume to normally be a trapping maneuver to avoid them, though he also smirked when he saw one of the blades from Blade Rain clip her. So I did get her, meaning this isn't a one sided match. Sweet. Spotting the falling birds, but unsure of whether or not they would give chase, he skates to the right, one of his spinning blades blocking four of the bombers before shattering. Leaping up into the air, he flips and spins, his cutlasses shattering several of the birds although he could feel one clip his leg. "Damn." Landing the flip smoothly, he slices horizontally and sends one of his giant blades flying towards her. "Piercing Blade." The blade would go right through any shield she through up, even the bear one, so dodging was her only chance. Reversing direction suddenly, he skates left a short distance before slamming one of his swords into the ground. "Rising Blades!" These came from underground, so she'd still have to dodge. Assuming her bear can't move through the ground... He silently berated himself for not knowing more about other types of magic. [b]sasha[/b] Sasha began to run, smoothly on the ice, her hands moving in unfamiliar styles, she shouted "Ice make: snake staircase!" A large, thick snake formed, in the shape of a stair case, and she began to run up it, even time she got close to the top, it slivered up higher and higher, allowing her to escape the blades, but she had received another cut on her leg, and with each step blood dripped. As soon as she was clear of the attack, she shouted "Ice make: tiger impact!" And leaped off her snake staircase, using the tiger to travel back to the ground, leaping off again, all te while her butterfly cage moved with her. Her bear hadn't survived the attack, but as she landed in a roll, she scooped up a chunk off ice, and as her tiger went to smash Damian she threw the ice at him, and also shouted once more "ice make: floor!" Causing the floor to harden once more. [b]damian[/b] Damian moved perpendicular to the staircase, even if he couldn't follow her up it, he could still keep pace with her and dodged the tiger by sliding underneath it, though he misjudged the height his head was at and hit it on one of it's paws. Ow... As he came up, his right handed cutlass charged with magic energy as he slashed through the piece of thrown ice. "Three blade strike!" Three ethereal blades flew towards Sasha from three different directions, buying him time to focus his magic energy for just a moment before smiling. "Doom blades!" From his cutlasses erupted two large magic blades that moved as he swung them and he skated quickly forward, closing the distance between himself and Sasha and slicing with his left handed blade diagonally from the left shoulder to the right hip, followed up by a horizontal slice at her midriff. She'd have to move fast to avoid both strikes. [b]sasha[/b] Sasha watched as Damian came towards her, and for a minute it seemed it was all over for her. And then she did something she never did on ice. She slipped, avoiding the attacks, except for a cut across her forehead, more of her blood staining the ice. Her butterflies shattered. She used Damian's closeness to her advantage, stopped her slide, and aiming towards him like a penguin. "Ice make: hawk arrow!" The large hawk formed, and arrowed towards Damian, and, panting slightly now, she continued "Ice make: bird bombers" the birds formed again, coming down like large hail, ruthless, and then finally "ice make: bear shield" her trusty bear formed again, over her as she regained her feet. She wiped blood out her eyes [b]damian[/b] Damian couldn't help but be impressed by her choice of dodge, especially since he could tell she had experience on ice. Twisting to the left quickly, he managed to avoid the worst of the blow from the hawk arrow, though he still let loose a slight "oomph" from the impact into his gut he got. Still, his gamble had paid off, and now she was in a vulnerable position. "Blade Shield overdrive!" All the blades from his shield still orbiting him formed into one massive, fast spinning blade that shattered all the falling bird bombers before splitting into the three remaining blades that the overdrive still had the durability to split, though they weren't nearly as strong as the ones he'd started with. Spinning back to face her, he slashed at her once to make her slide back a little more while cutting through the bear before slamming the left handed cutlass into the ground. "Sword Cage." Sasha found her self standing in the middle of a cage with sword blades aimed at her from every direction but below, that way she had somewhere to stand. The doom blade vanished from the cutlass not in the ground, and he drew the other one from the ground, keeping in a ready position. He was sure she'd think of something to use to get out. [b]sasha[/b] Sasha flinched as she was surrounded by blades. She sighed, trying to think of a way out. Her bird bombers were still in the air, and she directed them towards her, and she do e under her bear shield, using it's form, it's protection as the bird bombers fell down, hoping to shatter the blades, but while that was happening, she formed her hand movements again, and muttered "ice make: tiger impact!" The giant tiger formed, smaller then before, and went smashing towards Damian. She brushed more blood out her eyes, laying a hand over her forehead, over the cut, a layer of ice forming over it to seal it. [b]damian[/b] Renewing the energy in his three remaining blades for his shield, increasing how many blows the would take, Damian leaped over tiger, earning a couple gashes to the other leg though the ice make tiger got lopped in two pieces from a nice cross slash from both cutlasses. He panted slightly, starting to feel the drain on his magic energy, but he wasn't done yet, and he had one final ace in the hole before things were said and done, something he could use to at least bring the match to a draw. Slashing once horizontally again, though more angled above the cage, he sends four sword blades to hold a position over the cage to block as many birds as possible. Realizing he wouldn't be able to stop the cage breaking, he slashed again and used Three Blade Strike, hoping beyond hope that at least one of the blows would land so the fight would be over. [b]sasha[/b] Sasha knew when she was beaten. It was hard to fight against someone who could use a shield against her attacks, but she still couldn't help trying. She would never give up, as long as there was strength left in her body. Even as a blade slashed her side, she was rising, her hands moving without any thought from her, and a large creature began to form. "Ice make: dragon slide!" The large creature solidified into a dragon, which opened it's mouth, and instead of flames, ice boulders shot out of its mouth in a slide. But Sasha had used too much energy, and she was bleeding badly from the cut to her side. She slide down to the ground, leaning back against her bear which had survived the onslaught. She was pale and shaking, and it was clear she couldn't fight any longer. She pressed a hand to her side, and it came away covered in blood. "Oh" she didn't see what effect her ice dragon had on damian. She laid her hand back to her side, exerting a little energy, and covering the slash with ice to stop the bleeding, before closing her eyes. [b]damian[/b] Damian counted that he didn't get worse than another knock to the head and a loss of air for a moment as pure luck guided by instinct. He'd been gawking at the scale of the the dragon when he realized it was attacking him. He took the first one to the chest and stomach, gasping in air as it fell to the ground. He was still falling over when the next one clipped his head, cutting it slightly and, he was pretty sure, giving him quite the goose egg. Catching himself on one hand, he flips up and over the next one, sliding under another and dodging the rest as they came. Once it was over, he noticed Sasha had stopped and leaned against her bear and Damian realized that she was done, especially once he realized that his triple blade strike had cut her side pretty good. Dismissing the cage, he ran over to Sasha and started running a practiced eye over her injuries. After all, being able to give first aid in the field helped in the military. "I'm so sorry, Sasha! I didn't mean to hurt you so badly." [b]sasha[/b] Sasha gave Damian a weak smile, "I'm okay" she said, and she rose, using her bear to steady herself. She opened her eyes, "that was a good fight. Thank you for not holding back." She said, dismissing any remaining ice beings, returning the floor to normal as well. "Once the ice stops the bleeding, I'll be okay. Don't worry" she smiled, and shrugged, heading off the field, so she could sit down. [/hider]