"Hmm..." Mika ponders. Three thousand credits. She wasn't exactly the most streetwise person on Lucky Shots, being a teenage girl who had never so much as been in a fistfight before she'd come here. But she'd imagined that hiring a mercenary or bounty hunter would cost a lot more than that. He looked pretty competent too... Yeah. Nothing to lose here, might as well go for it. "Well, I guess you weren't kidding when you said 'very reasonable' price. I'll do it. As for where he is, I know someone in the White Nova who can help with that. They were paying him to get rid of some particularly nasty criminals around here. I'm going to need to get some better gear before we go out and do this, though. A laser pistol isn't exactly going to cut it for a rescue operation like this. Not to mention that we'll need a way to get there, too."