for what seems like hours The shells fall. Commissar Malik and the platoon wait in their hab unit. A few guardsmen that were caught out in the open were lucky enough to have made it to the shelter of the building. As reports of wounded and dead flood the vox channel the reports from the regimental command are drowned out but the dozens of requests for medical care. after a few hour like minutes the shells stop, and the sound of Las bolts and the bark of heavy bolters take up the momentary silence made by the ending of the shells. "Vox-man relay this message to all Guardsmens of the 254th." he says as he checks his Hot shot Pistol magazine and his power supply for his power weapon. "Soldiers of the 254th this is our time for pay back! For the dead,for the Imperium and for the Emperor!" he yells as he and the rest of the platoon rush out of the hab unit to take up lines on the Aegis lines. As they exit the building dozens of squads of guardsmen rush out of their cover to join them. After taking positions on the line the commissar gets a good look at their enemy. Storming through the on coming Guardsmen fire Hordes of cultists supported by traitor guard heavy weapons teams and grenadiers. At the head of the horde of cultists three chaos Champions carrying their unholy banners of worship to their twisted gods. "All units focus on the Champions!" The Commissar orders. immediately the closest heavy bolters switch fire from the the hordes of cultists and traitor guardsmens to the Hulking monstrosities that are the traitor marines One falls under the weight of the fire, the other stumbles and the third charges on un-effected by the weapons As the hordes charge on ever closer the Commissar looks to his Vox operator "Tell the men to Fix bayonets.." As the order heads out as many of the men cease firing to quickly attach their knives to the ends of their weapons.