With pillows perfectly reset, Alice stood up from the futon and brushed herself of. She always brushed herself off when she stood up, no matter how long she had been sitting there or where she had been sitting. Who knows what kind of things could have settled on her clothes while she was sitting? Not to mention wrinkles! Ugh she hated wrinkles. They made everything unperfect. She dreaded the day that when her skin would start to wrinkle. She would have to iron her skin. Wrinkles was one thing she could not handle. Andy's balcony. Another thing she could not handle. No matter how hard she tried to push it out of her mind, it kept creeping back up. She couldn't help it anymore. That mess just had to go. Her hand was already placed on the handle to her balcony door. It was like her body knew what needed to be done before her brain could even catch up. Or perhaps her body just knew what her brain was going to decide? She shook it off. That stuff did not matter right now. Right now the only thing that really matter, was that awful mess. The sun was beat against Alice's bright yellow hoodie as she found herself on her balcony again. She need to clean that atrocity next door, but how? It's not like that recluse would let her in his apartment and with the shape his balcony was in it's not like she even wanted to see what kind of cataclysmic state it was in. So here she was, standing on the edge of her balcony and staring at his. The gap wasn't to far, was it? "Gahhh!" She stifled a scream of desperation with a cottony sleeve covered hand. She had seen Cat do all kinds of crazy things, he had just run up the side of the wall so...so how hard would one little jump be? Air out her nose as she sighed again. There was always the original 'Fuck No' answer her neighbor had given her to start out with. Maybe he wanted his balcony dirty. Alice laughed to herself. Of course he didn't want a dirty balcony! Who would? She was just being a good neighbor and helping him out. With this revelation she carefully pulled herself onto the metal railing, and though a little wobble, managed to balance on it. She was faced with the original problem. Could she even make this jump? She glanced down at the ground below her as her vision got a little blurry. "Well I'm only on the second floor." She tried to reassure herself. "It's not like I would die if I fell." Wait, would she die? Cat did this kind of thing plenty of times. She even saw the mute girl do things like this too. It seemed safe when they did them. Alas she was not them and found herself in another dilemma.