[img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10622351/Projects/RP%20ART/LeakingWorlds/Signatures/Rika%20Haruyomi%20%5Bshanghai%5D.png[/img] [b]12:05AM[/b] Those noises... what was it? Rika thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes, looking at a partially clouded pinkish sky very much unlike anything she had seen before, this didn't seemed to shock her or anything as she might as well be still sleeping, and even if she weren't freaking out about it wouldn't be of much help. incorporating back to her feet, she felt that early spike of pain in her head was completely gone. Looking around she saw the rest of the people, many of them already awake, the rest was waking up the others... Had they knocked her out?... no, if they had they wouldn't be sleeping too... what the hell was that pinkish sky. [b]"t-thats right, we can still call the police..."[/b] She thought about it for a moment holding her phone... sure the thing abode them was creeping her out... but what sort of scared little chick would she be if she just did that? would Mika really call home in a situation like this? would she really be frightened?... no... most likely not. [b] "aw... this is bad..."[/b] She added with a sigh, not really wanting to suddenly before the leader figure for those kids she would let them solve this the best they could. Yet something cough her eye.. the street lights... while the one near them was somewhat normal... the one just a few steps away was pinkish like the sky... Slowly walking towards it she noticed something within the air and reaching for it she touched it, also causing the same ripple effect which had happened to Haruka, With a smile she looked back to the group and said,[b] "waaah, this is crazy!, look guys it's like in the movies!"[/b] She sure seemed exited about it, but in reality she really really felt like running home right about now.