[B][U]Fumiko explore the new digs[/U][/B] Looking around the room Fumiko decided it was in need of a few missing articles that made things more fun. She lifted her phone to her ear and called her Butler Hanzo Fumiko: «spoken in Japanese»[B]"Uncle would you please pack my cappuccino machine then my Game systems and their attendant cables and extras. I'd also like my karaoke system and .......hmmm..."[/B] says Fumiko pausing in thought as she looks around the room. Fumiko: «Japanese»[B]"And box my coffee an teas as well."[/B] Hanzo: «Japanese»[B]"Of course Miss Iga, shall I reorder all those things you are taking?"[/B] asks Hanzo of his Mistress Fumiko: [B]"Of course and double....no triple the coffee an tea"[/B] she says with a soft laugh Hanzo: [B]"Of Course Miss Iga, will that be all?"[/B] he says with a hint of humor in his voice Fumiko: [B]"That will be all Uncle and thank you for your efforts, please call me when you've all that boxed an ready"[/B] she says just before hanging up Nearby a Shadow beckons and unable to resist Fumiko dives into it to explore the base. No sooner than she's entered her Realm dose her form shift and her Oni form become revealed. She has two large curving horns that were they straight would be a foot and a half in length. Her height become taller as she now stands six foot four inches tall her body nearly nude save a loin cloth an a strip of ebony fur that barely restrains her breasts that have become over five times larger than her normal ones.. Lashing the air behind her is a thick tail that tapers to a point nearly five feet behind her. [B]"I wonder what my. Teammates would think of me now?"[/B] she asks a nearby denizen of the Shadow Realm that trembles to be so close to her Mistress at yet still exist. [B]"To bad my cell phone doesn't get reception in here and forget about selfies"[/B] she giggles which frightens and sends the smaller shadow creature fleeing before she can devour or harm it. Soon Fumiko sees Frostbite, Thrillseeker and Ditto talking about something but knows that no matter how much she strains she can't hear them. [B]"I have to get better at lip reading soon"[/B] she says with a laugh that for reasons hard to explain sounds like metal being torn. As she continues to watch the three males make some form of an agreement and begin heading off. As she watches them Fumiko finds her mind filling with thoughts that her human one has little trouble curbing but is intrinsic to her Oni form; "which of the males is a worthy lover?" Thinking that is enough of that Fumiko heads back to where she was formerly and waits to see if Hanzo is finished with her task.