Just a quick note, I prefer to flesh out the characters via the RP, its boring if you give all they are in their bios. [hider=Light] Name: Light Void Codename: Light Age: '24' Gender: Female Place of Birth Unknown / The Void Affiliations: None Occupation: None/Explorer Appearance: Humanoid shape, pure white skin, large ball like head, large black and orange eyes, no nose, large fin-like ears, short blue hair, very thin neck, broad chest with proportionate medium breasts, thin muscular arms ending in large feather/clawlike fingers with forearms to match. A blue tanktop with her gills underneath it, a dress attached to her body with the front open while the back goes down to her ankles, the front having a triangle tabard going down to he kneecaps. The dress is blue with white fringes, while the inside is pure black. her legs are muscular, ending at points where her feet would be Powers: [b]Regeneration[/b] Due to her biology Light can regenerate any injury, including critical ones such as a missing head or organs, and is extremely hard to kill. She does feel the pain and is temporarily affected by the effects of said injury, so blowing her head clean off will put her down until she regenerates a new one for example. She can attach severed body parts to drastically speed up the regeneration process. This also makes her highly resistant to chemicals, asphyxiation, and the like. No getting drunk for her. [b]Atrophy[/b] Anything constantly physically touching Light gets dragged into the Void over the course of a few weeks, Energy and magic get dragged into the void at a much more accelerated rate. Objects that stop touching Light, if they haven't fully faded, will fade back into existence over time. Anything originally from the void is unaffected. [b]Super Strength[/b] Light is super strong, thanks to her physiology. [b]Kinetic Charge[/b] Light can dash in a straight line at very high speeds for a short while. [b]Fusion Punch[/b] A devastating strong punch that Light must stand still to use / can't use Kinetic Charge or air leap while using it, but she keeps her aerial momentum. Has a long windup but is very devastating. [b]Air Leap[/b] Light can jump off the air a couple of times, making small platforms out of void energy. [b]Water Breathing[/b] Being part fish, Light can breath water. Though due to regeneration this is sort of moot. Skills: Hand to Hand fighting, General intelligence, Observant Equipment/Resources: NA Weaknesses: Incapable of a ranged attack aside from throwing things. Starts off slow Isn't durable Has to use weapons found on the battlefield as Atrophy means she can't carry equipment with her. Atrophy being annoying and limiting at times. Slightly insane Usually has a hard time taking situations seriously Easily persuaded Psychological Profile:Light seeks to bring balance and freedom to the world, but doesn't really care too much how she goes about it as long as she enjoys it, and she doesn't step on the freedom of others, assuming they have done nothing to her. She likes anything that can entertain her, dancing, and fighting. Due to being from the void, as well as her innate psuedo immortality from her regeneration, she has a hard time taking situations seriously, and will more often than naught find something to entertain herself, weather it be mocking the enemy or what have you. Since her goals are so broad and open ended, she is easily persuaded by others, so long as she enjoys it. This does not mean however that she is stupid, as she is very observant of the world around her and is quite intelligent, but most of the time shes just looking for a way to kill her boredom. She is friendly towards everyone, until they've wronged her without good reason, at which point, well... if your very friendly to your friends, what would be the balanced thing to do to your opponents? Biography: A creature from a different realm, Light was summoned into the world by some newly awakened mages attempting to gain greater power. Their spell backfired however, and Light was dragged into a new world along with another void creature who she travels with on occasion. Fascinated by it, Light spends most of her time exploring or finding things to entertain herself, and this means that she gets into fights with other super powered beings from time to time, often villains as they usually take away the freedom of others, something that she hates with a passion. Her appearance freaks out some people, but others seem to ignore it, being used to all the super powered people going around after The Awakening. While having no real set direction other than just having fun, she was easily recruited into the league, as the various fights were entertaining and she could go to places that would be difficult for her to go to otherwise. [/hider] [hider=MC] Name: MC Codename: MC Age: Unknown Gender: 'Male' Place of Birth The Void Affiliations: NA Occupation: NA Appearance: Ball like head, glowing blue energy for skin, no hair, no mouth, no nose, no ears, large green blind eyes, wears a faceguard that also gives him a jacobs ladder crown without the electricity. His body is one long robe with arms, one arm with its sleeve torn off that ends in a large crystal with a large crystal hand orbiting around his body. while the other arm is normal. His feet can't be seen from under his blue robes, but are birdlike in appearance. He has a long staff on his back that ends in an orb that can't decide what color or shape it wants to be. Powers: [b]Omni Magic[/b] MC can study the traces of magic or energy left behind of the last spell or ability used by his opponent, and copy that spell or ability temporarily. For abilities, MC makes a spell similar to the ability, using his staff if said ability also requires a weapon. This is temporary. [b]Arcane Magic[/b] While he can technically use all forms of energy due to his omni magic, his base method of attacking people is various blasts of Arcane magic. [b]Magic Armor[/b] MC's void energies gives him resistances to energy and magical abilities. [b]Chaos Magic[/b] Chaos spells have some charge time and are unruly and weak, but can't be redirected and Pierce most defenses and leave a temporary lingering negative effect on whatever they hit, including himself. (Whoever is hit comes up with the effect. It can be ANYTHING, from sneezing, turning that part of the body to diamond or cheese, maybe make you more attractive to flies, whatever.) The only way to not be affected by chaos magic is to not be hit by it in the first place, but those negative effects could always turn into a positive one if whoever is hit is clever enough... [b]Illusion masks[/b] MC can create very fragile masks that grant an illusion to whoever wears them, and of course Combat is very strainous... [b]Forceful Teleport[/b] MC can teleport a set distance at will, freeing himself of anything that binds him in the process. This is jarring, and does need some time to recover before he can teleport again however. [b]Portals[/b] With a bit of concentration, MC can conjure portals that link two spots in space. MC can only conjure portals to locations hes been to, and they can be anywhere from one and one half his size downwards. [b]Conjuration[/b] MC can conjure small objects out of thin air. Most of the time though these are used for comedic effect, but they can be sometimes used for combat. [b]True Sight[/b] MC uses energy to see, and is blind to the physical plane. This allows him to see through illusions, invisibility, secret identities (after all, costumes dont' change your energy signature), and other such things ,but of course he can't see whats on a screen, colors, or anything of that sort. [b]Banishment[/b] Upon defeat, MC is not actually killed, but banished and leaves behind a void crystal. If this crystal is not destroyed, MC can resummon himself after a few days or weeks. If it is destroyed, he must be resummoned using a ritual. [b]Levitation[/b] Due to having no actual mass to speak of, MC can easily levitate using almost no energy. [b]Made of Energy[/b] Being made of energy, MC has no need for food, oxygen, or any of those things, and has no set form or gender, and can change his appearance at a whim, though appearances hes not comfortable with drain his energy faster than normal and his energy colors don't change. Due to being made of Void and Chaos energy, siphoning his energy away from him could cause you to have massive instability or weaken you outright, as well as making him mad. Skills: Extensive magical knowledge, Great combat sense Equipment/Resources: A long staff on his back with an orb that can't decide what shape or color to be. This is often used in more powerful magic. Weaknesses: Fragile His attacks drain his energy Slow Very poor physical combat skills or strength Insane Easily persuaded Psychological Profile: Being a Void and Chaos energy being, MC is prone to various moodswings and can either be very apathetic or very random. This leads to a strange bout of insanity from time to time, which is often accompanied by some sort of small prop conjured out of nowhere. MC strives for balance and to learn more about magic, but is mostly just there to have fun and has no real set goal. His insanity makes him a bit of a prankster, but it also gives him great insight and intelligence from time to time. While insane MC does have some semblance of sanity, especially when his energies are more balanced towards Void, in the fact that he can remember people, places, and information rather well, and can control his insanity if asked, at least usually. He is very friendly, and if you mean him no harm, he'll often offer you tea or something. In combat, MC is very unpredictable, and has insightful ways of making a few seemingly unimportant or weak spells or blasts turn into something extremely devastating. Biography: a creature from a different dimension. MC was summoned when some awakened mages decided to conduct a ritual to gain more power. They were wiped out in the backlash, and while another void being was conjured as the physical side of the ritual, MC was conjured up as the magical side. Both void creatures travel together from time to time, but also split off on occasion. MC himself is a chaos/void energy creature from the void, and is often either floating around doing nothing, or causing harmless mischief or attempting to make people laugh or what have you, depending on the balance of his energy at the time. His magic comes from his own energy, and is not tied to any diety or other such higher power, although he does gain a big chunk of his energy from the void. [/hider]