"Well then, looks you two transforming wasn't a waste." Gren said, picking his sword up and pointing it at the coming enemies, armor forming his lower face. "Won't you the one who almost KILLED me because we starting fighting without talking or some shit?" Sun asked, punching his palm. "Shut up and help me kick their asses." "Gladly!" The two step forward, their bodies going ablaze in fire like auras. A white one surrounding Gren, and an icy-blue one for Sun. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" They both screamed, kicking off into a run towards the armored figures, soon meeting two who had charged at them. Sun met his with a powerful punch, sending it flying back into the rest of them. Gren, however, never stopped his run, slashing through the one attacking him in a single swipe. "So, you gonna run way again when there's two fighting together?" Sun asked, smirking beneath his helmet. "You have no idea what shut up means, do you?" Gren asked, jumping into the air, unlinking his sword into it's whip form and wildly slashing at the enemies down below. Sun kicked down, a wave of magic hitting the ground through hit foot. From the magic, a wall of ice sprung up. He punched forward, shattering the ice and throwing it's pieces into the knights.