[center][Img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/287/c/8/hiro_by_palito_de_pan-d6qi5ay.png[/IMG] [B]Name[/B] [I]Killua[/I] [B]Age[/B] [I]18[/I] [B]Personality[/B] [I]Killua possesses an incredible self-control of his emotions. He only showed surprise when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he doesn't lose his composure. He possesses arrogance, and fully justifies any statements he may make about his power, even complimenting his opponents at times on their abilities. However, he still has a habit of joking around and dis-respecting those around him. There are only a handful of exceptions that he admires, the most prominent being his grandfather. Despite his arrogance, he isn't above praising his enemies. In conflict, or arising conflict, this particular warrior will diligently fight and with a concentrated, intense mind set he will strike those before him with patient, tactical attacks that steadily cripple his opponent. He can be straightforward in order to lead the opponent into a trap, and like what he stands for, he will do a variety of things to disengage the foe and give them a false sense of security and power. His true style of combat is elusive, and because of his peculiar magic he can strike in both a standard and very unorthodox manner that can take the edge off of battle in order break down his opponent. Also, statistically, he battles in a very intellectual pattern that allows him to take the least damage and inflict the most upon others, for this he is hailed as a born tactical fighter. From time to time, he can be seen as plainly cruel, and dark, however his calm attitude during normally tense situations calls a sense of ease in those on his side and gives them a feeling of immediate empowerment, as if they have a wall of security defending them at all times. Although he may be cold and careless at times, his desire to act and do rather than talk strikes respect into his comrades. Killua does not have any apprehensions to killing enemies. If someone is a threat to his well being, he can take their lives without a second thought. Some call this a case of being desensitized to killing, however, Killua takes it for what it is, doing what's necessary to survive in an efficient manner. He believes that a person who is too scared to kill their enemy is a fool as you never know what could happen. [/I] [B]Weapon:[/B] [I]Having trained since birth, Killua's body is his weapon as an ex Dark Apprentice.[/I] [B]Abilities:[/B] [I] Master Martial Artist: Unlike Kurapika, who often depends more on his sword to use more as his personal fighting style than his own hands, Which Killua was shown to have the better Affinity with fighting hand to hand, something that his mother had been shown to be better with in her youth. Like his brother, Killua was shown to harness and train in the same equal conditions as his older brother, but due to his more raw talent for the fighting arts, Killua's forms and techniques were gradually better than his brother, which often showed the times he sparred with him at younger ages, only to win every single sparring match each of them had. Like Kurapika, Killua showed himself to be able to use incredible strength combined with his fighting styles, allowing him to deal much more damage than originally thought possible, but instead it also causes powerful blunt force said to be able to shatter bones if one full power punch is ever thrown by him. After leaving his home with his mother's death on his mind, Killua began studying the arts of many different fighting styles, trying to understand their true nature while at the same time developing his own self-style that focused on random changes whenever he fought, something that takes incredible focus and mastery over the techniques to achieve. It has been determined that over the time he spent traveling, Killua has picked up ten different fighting styles, mastering them, and making them his own while at the same time taking different aspects from each one that goes along with another, showing how much intellect and focus he has when it comes to fighting. [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130627014939/fairytailfanon/images/8/85/RaySpeed.gif]Superior Speed[/url]: While Kurapika has been shown to have incredible speed, Killua has shown at times that he can catch up to anyone that he encounters, even his own brother at times. While training, his incredible bursts of magic energy often caused him to go beyond his normal standards at random moments, one of which included running sprints as when he ran, the increase of speed caused him to move too fast, resulting him being sent flying and slamming right into the wall at times when he didn't have control. Over the days he spent focusing on his control, Killua instinctively figured out how to manipulate mana evenly on his feet, allowing him to keep it from increasing too much, and allowing for a better running sprint training as well. Over time after leaving his home and continuing on his training, Killua gained full control of his speed, allowing him to go fast distances without breaking a sweat, and also showing ingenuity with his speed at times too. Similar to his brother's movement, Killua can run at high speeds, moving faster than the eye can follow as it shows to appear that there are multiple replications of him, only instead of appearing all around like Kurapika's speed, they follow Killua, allowing him to fake out an opponent if they ever attempt to try and attack him with any form of projectiles that might get thrown at him. Enhanced Stamina: Wielding the sheer level of power Killua has at his disposal requires an even greater level of stamina. Since he is a much more physical combatant, he's trained himself to continue on for prolonged periods of time without tiring. This means he can maintain a constant level of physical activity for a long time before feeling any adverse effects. His muscles generate much less fatigue which attributes to his constant level of movement. Also, his magics remain extremely potent and able to unleash them in quick succession without tiring. Given his style of fighting combines a great degree of physical activity and magic usage, stamina is one of the most important qualities he has at his disposal as it fuels every single action.[/I] [B]Magic:[/B] [I]Lightning Manipulation: Killua's signature magic is where he commands the element of lightning which he holds a great deal of skill over.. This magic allows him to produce, control and manipulate lightning and electricity at will, ranging from a simple spark to light the end of a cigarette or coat his entire body in lightning to increase his attack power and speed. Killua mainly uses his lightning in conjunction with his fighting style to augment an attack's damage. He's known to use the lightning to cover his fists, feet and even head to deliver explosive damage. As an additional effect of lightning, opponents struck by it are also momentarily shocked and stunned, granting Killua an opportunity for a followup attack if he wishes. While his wielding of lightning can be considered crude and basic, Killua is also able to momentarily turn his own body into lightning in order to evade enemy attacks, moving around at high speed and strike every opponent crossing his path. This grants him an inhuman level of speed and mobility, but is limited to traveling in a single straight path before having to initiate the spell again if he wants to change direction.Though he's still not fully capable of using this skill to its full effect. A unique passive ability granted by his knowledge of lightning magic is to internalize it to stimulate his regenerative powers so that he can recover from injury at an accelerated pace. This requires some effort and splitting his magic through other offensive spells reduce and weaken the effect of his enhanced healing. He would often need to stop performing any other actions and concentrate to fully benefit from this effect. While possessing an impressive array of devastating offensive spells, Killua has yet to cast any sort of defensive spell. Though he is able to block an attack through other spells, such as his Lightning Fist, which helps absorb some of the initial damage from an opposing spell cast against him.[/I] [B]Destiny’s Oath:[/B] [I]Starbolt: By channeling all of his magical energy and focusing it into his fist, Killua can deliver a supremely powerful attack. Prior to executing this spell, he will raise his magical power, creating a torrent of lighting to erupt all around him. His eyes have been seen as emitting similar energy as he pours it into his hand. Once sufficiently charged, Killua will rush towards his target, traveling at incredible speeds that are almost imperceptible while completely covered in his lightning. He will then strike his target with his charged fist, releasing all the stored energy as one massive explosion that sends a wave of force rippling through the area, completely engulfing the target in lightning and blowing away anything in its immediate surroundings. The explosion created forms into a enormous pillar that splits into five large arcs that each travel in opposite directions, similar to a star, and cut through the ground and leaving behind deep fissures.[/I] [B]Trinity Limit:[/B] [I]Not learned yet[/I] Sample Post: (Oh yes, I would very much like a sample of your writing. Let's see...you'll write for me the moment your character wakes up in Traverse Town. Make it however long or short you see fit.)[/center]