Nation: Syrian Republic Time: 13:50 ________________________________________ Communications: - Adib Shishakli seeks assurances from [b]Israel[/b] that it will not take advantage of an impending Syrian demobilisation. ________________________________________ Overt actions: [center][b]Adib Announces Return of Democracy[/b][/center] - Adib Shishakli has announced the return of civilian rule, and has legalized all formerly banned political parties, including the Ba’ath Party, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian Nationalist Party and the Syrian Communist Party. - He has asked the newly legalized political parties to join him in forging a new constitution for Syria, and promises elections to be held three months following an agreement. - This move was largely unexpected, and many commentators are nervous that the suddenness of Adib’s actions could return Syria to political instability. Time will tell whether or not the Ba’athists, Communists and Nationalists take up this offer, or whether they choose to boycott the event altogether. [center][b]Syrian Army to Demobilise[/b][/center] - The Syrian army stands at an estimated 250,000 combat troops, most of whom are considered to belong to tribal militias. - The cost of funding this disproportionately large force is crippling the Syrian economy, prompting Adib Shishakli to order the demobilisation. - It is expected that with the militias disbanded, and the reserve army divisions ordered to stand down, the Syrian armed forces will sit at approximately 50,000. - Adib is seeking assurances Israel will not attempt to launch an attack on the Golan Heights following this demobilisation.