Henry Callidum VII waited patiently at the landing pad, the rest of the pads were quiet, everyone else having arrived. He sighed to himself, his daughters knew how important this council could turn out to be and yet they were late, no doubt dallying in some shopping center or other. Being late would only raise House Callidum in the view of the others, daring to defy even slightly the Lyseli but he would prefer if it was planned and not just some whim of his daughters! One of the two suited men with shiny reflective visors covering their eyes who stood at his back stepped forward leaned in to whispered in his ear. He stepped up to the window and shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand gazed up spotting the small speck on the horizon, he watched as it quickly grew bigger until he could make out the telltale symbol of House Callidum emblazoned across the craft's nose, the craft boosted higher and then in a daring maneuver, spiraled down towards the landing pad stabilizing at the last second and landing with a thump. No need to ask who the pilot was, indeed his thoughts were confirmed a moment later as Kylara jumped from the cockpit, the ramp at the back of the craft slowly slid to the ground and out came Sam followed by 2 more men with shiny visors. A harried looking servant stumbled out behind them carrying 3 large bags, seeming to struggle under their weight, Henry smirked as he almost dropped a bag, Mathew, the head of his security team, did always like to avoid attention. The girls burst into the waiting room with their usual energy and in seconds he was being hugged with shouts of "Dad!" echoing around the room, he let himself enjoy the moment before stepping back and appraising the girls. Kylara was by far the worst offender, although he had to give her some credit for wearing clean clothes this time, She had dressed more like a bounty hunter than a high lady but at-least she'd dressed like a stylish bounty hunter, her messy blonde hair was... stylishly messy, the black leather jacket was made to fit and the denim jeans gave her a sort of oldie look, denim was making a comeback in certain circles he though with a frown. Sam, whilst not dressed as a high lady, was wearing her Navy dress uniform, hair straightened and falling down her back, not a bad choice and it wouldn't hurt to remind the other houses of the strong armed forces of House Callidum, indeed Maridian forces had taken part in the conquest of many of the lands of the Houses after their own fall. The girls eyed him warily as he made up his mind, it wasn't beyond him to order them into dresses at this very instant and a dreadlike tension left their shoulders as he nodded "I don't expect your mother will be approving of you traipsing around high society dressed like bounty hunters and street thugs but we really must get going, come along" As he lead the group towards the main hall the girls started chatting merrily behind him, discussing different shops, new fashion trends, their thoughts on the new Tornado Gunship.. Sometimes he despaired of them. Still, they had work to do, as the rising sound of chatter grew louder he dropped back to them and quietly gave them their instructions. "Sam, I want you to try and get into a conversation with Alan Slaggard" he paused to check she knew him " you don't need to talk about anything serious, just lay some friendly groundwork. Ky I want you to try talking to any Lyseli you see walking about, try and confirm what this council is about, we have strong suspicions but..." They approached the group of noble's and in two long strides Henry was ahead of the group again, at the door an announcer spoke in a loud voice telling all of the arrival of House Callidum. Heads turned to stare as they made their way into the hall. Henry himself had dressed in a simple black suit, It was fine and well tailored but at the same time simple and to the point, he was not here for games. On a balcony far above he saw the King looking down, he waited until he had the Kings eye before bowing his head slightly.. the forms did have to be obeyed.