Sam frowned at the Slaggard guards intimidating front, there was no way she would be able to slip into a natural conversation with their leader Alan Slaggard, being searched by guards in the middle of the hall would no doubt bring attention and comment. She'd been sipping a rather fine wine over by the refreshment table, if there's one thing she'd give the Lyseli credit for it's their hosting, when the announcer announced the arrival of the Slaggards. She'd made her excuses to the young man who'd been flirting with her and disappeared into the crowd, trailing the Slaggard path. She'd integrated herself into a conversation about Lady Keira's new hairstyle, droll stuff but appearances must be kept. The young man, heir to Slaggard... mickey? left the group to go and mingle, the old man stayed put with his ring of guards, Father had asked her to lay some friendly groundwork with the head of the house but it was clear she wouldn't be managing that, however the heir... She'd have to get his name off of someone first though. She again made her excuses and moved on, trailing the heir to Slaggard and making polite conversation with the other guests. Kylara leaned back against the wall next to one of the Lyseli guardsmen who stood periodically placed around the halls perimeter. She very obviously looked him up and down and when her eyes met his winked. She watched his reaction, red shooting into his cheeks but he didn't respond. She made her guess and hoped for the best "So new on the job?"