[img]http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/174401/gates-of-hell-open.jpg[/img] [url=http://youtu.be/0c9EyIEb6Bg] tis true, there are many stories of the wretched place known as hell, the satanic pit filled with all sorts of unspeakable horrors, torture, pain, madness,... and now, its time to tell yours. you, among an unlucky few, have had their lives taken, by death, and sent to the very meaning of evil itself, hell. you belief yourself to be innocent, and wrongfully taken, therefore, you plan to escape. it will not be easy though, you face the darkest beings to ever set foot on the plane of the living, and the demons of your nightmares, most of this would be enough to frighten even the almighty god himself, and lucky you, you get to face them, in exchange for your freedom. [i] will you fight to live, or fall to die, the choice, is yours...[/i] [center][b]ACCEPTED CHARACTERS:[/b][/center] Koran Fujuchiki: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1620914] Jerus Derins: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1600132] Larissa Headings: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1600132] John: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1597896] Minata Nychta Scrios/Nari Darkesh/Zayne/Monu Izanagi: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1619117] Mithias Varomere: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=5#post-1619373] Mason Hale: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=6#post-1619836] Iris Reiter: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1620914] Jei Bucci: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=8#post-1624979] Sam Zaen: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=9#post-1625584] Kria Toshkov: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=13#post-1636462] Thomas Najhir: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=14#post-1639852] Zhalia Moon: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52325/posts/ooc?page=49#post-1933999] [center][b] MAJOR UPDATES[/b][/center] [b] MAJOR UPDATE #1[/b] i will be introducing a new part of this rp soon called DEMON MASTERING. this applies for all demons under the ROYAL RANK with a few exceptions. i will explain later. also, every guardian will be a DEMON MASTER, with satan being the strongest. [b] MAJOR UPDATE #2[/b] [b][center]BOSS ENCOUNTER[/center][/b] this is similar to a Boss Battle, but instead of killing it, you fight to survive it. the length of the encounter goes based on either hiding from it for a certain amount of time, to how much damage it recieves. FIRST FLOOR BOSS: Karne, the beast master of the north. first form:[img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/302/c/0/midgard_master_of_demon_mountain_by_trishkell-d5jdft4.jpg[/img] second form:[img]http://i1.2pcdn.com/node14/image/article/201309/22/20130922040334a0dl40dgt13df7s6.jpg[/img] beast: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130714154316/darksouls/images/a/a6/Hellkite_Wyvern_Render.png[/img] [center][b]RULES[/b][/center] 1. i am GM. you fuck with me, or anyone else for that matter, your out, you only get one warning. 2. obey the co-gms in my absence, they know what i expect for the most part, and can help you with any questions. 3. no godmodding, auto hit, etc. 4.do NOT piss me off, or piss anyone else off. i can be cruel at times, you don't want to see that. 5. please for the love of god do NOT let this die. i want this to last, planning on making it a series if you'd all like that. 6. three sentence post minimum. 7. once you've finished your cs, please put something about bacon in it. [center][b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/center] name: appearance:(anime please) bio:(make it long please, paragraph minimum) preferred weapon: current weapon: personality: (in depth please) likes: dislikes: rival: friend: crush: alright people, get to work! and good luck, [i] you'll need it, hmmhmm.[/i]