As Vi walked off La Rosa's found herself with the now glowing red lad. A lovely shade on the tips of his ears made it all to obvious of the fun that is to be had. In a moment plans began forming, after all it is criminal not to toy with such innocent little white rabbits! As he began to move about she tightened her grip pulling him against her, he was trapped in the roses vine. "Farmboy, if you wish to woo that one you must know cock as well. Perhaps we could study all types of cocks, the small ones or the big ones that are different colors. Clearly it is something she centers her life around, but as a chickdy how could she not. Now if you wish for Rosa you must" The Preacher cut her off, with his own friendly jabs. To which she reacted by pressing her cheek against the blushing boys, hoping that this would further fluster the fledgling farmer. "I see so now you are officially Rosa's With Padre's blessing we can consummate yes? But wait you had promised yourself to your little chickdy, I guess I can share, plenty of room for another hen" She chuckles at her poor pun. "Padre, what brings you here so late?" In her enjoyment she seemed to have forgotten only she had been up all night. --- G arrived at the general store, Toting his sack of iron works that had been ordered. The sound of a strange instrument was enough to raise the interests of Zeke, who in his curiosity bounded up too the "musician" in question, and by bounded up too, I mean leaped on top of. G did nothing to stop the dog as honestly the sounds of the instrument where not exactly the right atmosphere for a general store in the sticks. Maybe on an island in the tropics, but hey hes not gunna tell a man how to run his store. "Yo Pete, got your order. Ah shoot sorry I tracked in soot again." As if it would make amends the man kicked off his boots leaving even more grey ash about in the entry way. He then proceeded to throw the bag of (Heavy) Iron works at the backside of the shop...An though it landed where he intended the crash of glass made G wince. "....You can take that out of the tab." He laughed hardily as his dog proceeded to lick Pearls face as if it was his favorite flavor.