[hider=Ocean Warrior] Name: Finn Morrison Codename: Ocean Warrior Age: 28 Gender: male Place of Birth: Numanor Affiliations: The ocean, and sea life. Occupation: fisherman and protector of the oceans, part time superhero Appearance: Finn is very well built and tall, he stands at six feet and four inches. His hair is a bright shade of red and his skin is almost a palish gray in complexion. His costume is armor like in appearance with a fish scales like design and its colors are green and blue. On the forearms of his costume are shark teeth and he also them lining the forelegs. His eyes are are a sea blue and his teeth are sharper than ordinary humans. Finally he has gills on the sides of his neck and fish like side fins on the sides of his face as well as his forehead. Powers: Water breathing telepathic communication with sea life: This ability allows Finn to communicate and command telepathic with all forms of merine life. Partial transformation: This ability grants him the power to transform parts of his body into those of an aquatic life form such as having the head of a shark or the arms and pincers of a crab, but he can only partially transform into one creature at a time super swimming: Finn is able to swim in water at mach 1 and doesn't experience the same type of drag as regular humans do. Superhuman strength: Because he can move underwater at superhuman speeds and doesn't feel any of the drag in water, Finn is incredible strong and is able to lift a max of 15 tons, he also can leap half a mile into the air. Superhuman durability: Because his bodily structure and density Finn is able to dive down to the deepest parts of the ocean where the underwater pressure is strong enough crush metal, this allows him to withstand good amounts of damage. Skills: Equipment/Resources: He has a mystical [url=http://i.imgur.com/7h9eTWF.png]trident[/url] that allows him to control the flow and temperature of water and ocean currents. It also can shoot a beam of powerful magical energy that he can make ether incredibly hot or freezing cold. These abilities can only be used when he is wielding the trident. Weaknesses: Intense heat can cause his body to dehydrate and severely weaken him. Because of his marine like physiology, Finn's body requires to be hydrated more than a normal humans which is why very hot environments with little to no water can be very dangerous to him. Oil is also another weakness since it pollutes water and can be toxic to aquatic life. Psychological Profile: Many would call Finn an outcast of two worlds since he was ordered to die when he was born in Numanor, and the fact he was never seen as normal on the surface world. He many times questioned where he belonged in the world and for most of his childhood, he was unsure of who or what he was. One thing he was sure about was that the he felt calm and comforted when he was in and by the sea, but his adopted parents never allowed him to swim in the ocean. Because of his inhuman appearance, Finn has never gone to school and had to be home-schooled by his adopted parents. He spent a good amount of his adolescence reading stories about the heroes of myth and adventures on the high seas. He especially loved stories where the hero was unsure of their place in their world and had to take a leap of faith in doing the right thing. It was these stories that inspired him to become a hero. When he was told about his origins and the fate of his mother, his sadness at not knowing who or what he was and where he came from, was replaced by the sorrow of knowing that he was the survivor of a terrible genocide. After the initial shock he was determined to fight against those thought it was their right to murder and slaughter all in the name of purity. Finn despises polluters and tries to encourage his fellow fishermen to try and keep a respectable relationship with them and the ocean. Biography: To fully understand Finn's origin, the origin of Numanor must also be told. Numanor was the home to a powerful underwater civilization of humanoids known as the Numanoreans. The Numanoreans were amphibious humans that evolved to live in the sea and built the great city of Numanor many millennia ago, starting their golden age of expansion. Thousands of years ago, the Numanoreans lived in peace with the surface world and both prospered through trade, but eventually the seeds of war became planted through ignorance and bigotry. Numanor evenly secluded into isolation after several wars with the surface world, and even cut off ties with the powerful city of Atlantis. And so for thousands of years, the world slowly forgot about the existence of the great civilization and the name Numanor became a part of myth. In their isolation, Numanor developed several social problems and one of which was the condemnation and persecution of the mutant Numanoreans who had mutated to have inhuman fish like physical features and the ability to communicate with fish as well as partial transformations. Numanoreans looked exactly human in appearance and were able to breath underwater and survive under the pressure do to their magic power. Mutants on the other hand had gills and dense which allowed them to live underwater naturally, and because of their appearance they were hated and seen as abominations to the Numanorean race. First it was verbal and violent assaults that done against them, but soon the leaders of the kingdom as well as reigning king saw that more mutants were being born and decreed that they had to cut away the folly in their bloodlines by killing the newborn mutant children, and soon began to kill the adults as well. This is where Finn's tragic story begins, the king had a beautiful daughter named Arya who had fallen in love with a mutant named Finnix and they'd kept their relationship hidden from her father. That was until she had become pregnant with the mutant's child, and she knew that if her father found out then he would kill her. She fled the palace in secret and went into hiding with Finnix and married him. Her father the king was furious when he found out from a servant at the castle that she had taken a mutant as a lover and married him. He was even more disgusted when he had learned that she was pregnant with a halfbreed and ordered her, Finnix and their unborn child's death. Not wanting to see his wife and son die, Finnix rallied the surviving mutants and fought back. They fought hard but they were quickly overwhelmed, and Finnix gave his life to give his beloved wife and unborn son enough time to escape. But before he could, Arya's father speared her in the back just as she was escaping and badly wounded her. Her father would have went in for the kill had Finnix not stepped and fought him away from her. Using the last of her magic, Arya flew through the water towards the surface world and emerged barely alive on a beach on the northeast coast of America. She was gravely wounded and would not last long, she was found by a fisherman and his wife walking along the beach. They were surprised at first and then wanted to quickly rush her to a hospital, but she stopped them and told them that she going to give birth to her son before she died. The couple helped her give birth on the beach and they looked on with shock at the infant's almost inhuman like appearance. Arya in her last moments of life told them about who Finn was and where came from, as well name him Finn after his father. She asked them if they would take care of her child and the couple answered yes. Arya gave them a parchment that she instructed them to give Finn when they believed he was ready to know the truth, and with one last breath she was Arya closed her eyes and died on the beach. Finn's life had begun just as his mother's life had ended and with the intention of trying to spare him the pain of the truth, his adopted parents would not tell until he was older. His adopted parents were named Justin and Maria Kurtis, and they loved him like he was really their own son. During his toddler and very early childhood years, Finn was naive of his inhuman like appearance but his Justin and Maria never let play with other children out of fear of him being shunned by society for his how he looked. As he grew older he became more self aware of how unnatural his appearance was, but he wanted to know why he looked nothing like his parents. Finn had guessed that he must have been adopted but whenever he asked his parents about the subject they just changed it and wouldn't answer him. They also wouldn't allow him to swim in the sea as they feared that he would drown despite the fact that he could breath underwater and swim really well. But they still didn't answer him when he questioned him about their fear of him being in the ocean, and so he a spent most of his childhood years lonely, constantly questioning whether or not he simply a freak of nature and wondering where he would find answers. When Finn turned twelve, his parents decided that they couldn't keep the secret from him any longer and he deserved to know the truth. They gave him the parchment that his mother had written before she had died, it was in a strange language but Finn was surprised when he found that he could read it. It told him everything about who he was and where he came from as well as told why his real parents had to sacrifice themselves to let him live and how he was a hybrid of a Numanorean and a mutant. It also told him about how the Numanoreans had committed genocide of the mutants and that he would never be safe if the Numanoreans found him. After reading the parchment his mother had left with him when she died, Finn felt a horrible sorrow of knowing that even his parents' home would never accept or welcome him, they would kill him. He questioned where his place in the world was and when he became an adult, he wasn't really sure of what to do with his life. After a while of being on his own, Finn decided to brave the seas and see if Numanor was real and if his kind was still alive or were all dead. He found the city and even after so many years, Numanor was still incredibly prejudice against the mutants and they chased him away. The king still swore that he would hunt him down and kill. While Finn fled, he came across a cave in a strange part of the ocean and entered it to get away from the royal guards that hunted him. Once in the cave, he found what remained of the mutants and told them who he was. At first they shouted hateful curses towards for being the halfbreed son of the princess whose father they hated intensely. Finn understood their hatred and told them that his mother had given up her life to save him and so had his father and other mutants. He promised to help them in their struggle to survive, and the mutant elder believed in his vow. He told Finn about the legend of Degon's trident, and how it was an amazing weapon. The elder then led him to an altar where the mystical trident was embedded in the stone. He told him to pull the weapon out of the altar and Finn did. Immediately he felt the great power of the weapon and the elder told him that he was worthy of it because of his good heart. The other mutants looked on in awe and from then on, Finn would fight for justice and freedom. He took on the name Ocean Warrior and became fighter for both the land and the sea. After several years of fighting against crime and the Numanorean king, Finn has been asked to join the League of Superheroes and he has accepted because he hopes that by joining the league, it might help with the plight of his people. [/hider]