I want to make a character, but I want to run it by you first. My character has no superpowers, but he has an indomitable will, and in a way you can consider that a superpower. It's sort like Tony Stark; he has no superpowers, but you can assume his intellect is technically his superpower. Let's call this character Will for now. So this character is a crimefighter. He has no superpowers, he's never actually been taught to fight, he isn't trained to use weapons effectively, and he doesn't even consider himself a superhero, just some guy trying to stop crime in his city. I have been wondering if it would be okay for Will to always get his ass kicked. Like, he tries to fight, and he may get some punches in, but he's more or less just cannon fodder who gets his ass beat in every confrontation throughout the roleplay. He might get better later, but his theme is that he always get his ass beat. He has an indomitable will (his name, Will, is a play on this). This means he refuses to give up, it's against his nature. You can beat him to a pulp, shoot him, stab him, break his bones, gouge his eye out, throw him off a building, but he won't stop trying to do what's right. He'll get up and keep fighting, even if it means he's just going to get his ass whooped again. The only way to stop Will is to either knock him unconscious or kill him. That same indomitable will means he can resist any sort of mind manipulation, he can withstand intense amounts of pain, and he is relentless in his objectives.