Let's bring the pain. [hider=Furious][center][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/center] [center]Daryl Redman[/center] [center][u][b]Codename:[/b][/u][/center] [center]Furious[/center] [center][u][b]Age:[/b] [/u][/center] [center]18[/center] [center][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][u][b]Place of Birth: [/b][/u][/center] [center]Los Angeles, California[/center] [center][u][b]Affiliations: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl considers himself a lone wolf, and would deny having any affiliations with anyone if asked. He's managed to botch two LAPD investigations, so his relationship with the law is strained at best. He's had very limited interactions with the rest of the superhero movement, other than those that he deem 'the posers from Hollywood'. Anti-Meta movements consider him a prime target, and proof that meta's are dangerous, untrained and irresponsible. The People's Meta Defence Front, PMDF, are especially critical of him, though he's not got very many nice things to say in return. [center][u][b]Occupation: [/b][/u][/center] [center]N/A[/center] [center][u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl is a well built teen, taller than most full grown men at 6 foot, with an impressive breadth of shoulders. Although muscled he doesn't look to heavy, built for a combination of strength and speed. His looks favour his father, having his movie star, swarthy good looks. Disdainful of 'fashionable facial hair' or stubble he tries to always be clean shaven, though he has trouble keeping his 5'0 clock shadow in check. His eyes are a deep brown, so dark that they can appear black. He usually dresses in loose fitting, comfortable old clothes, and a tattered old leather jacket that once belonged to his maternal grandfather. His 'outfit' consists of black padded motor cycle boots, black wrestling tights with the word 'Furious', printed up the outside of the right leg in red writing, a loose black and red sleeveless hoodie, white cotton wrist wraps and a full face red mask to conceal his identity. [center][u][b]Powers: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl's body has the ability to convert physical pain into theoretically limitless super-strength, speed, durability and regeneration. (I know it sounds like a game breaking concept, but let me try to explain myself!) Daryl's resting rate, the level of strength he has before suffering any pain, is no more than the average for a boy of his size and weight who regularly engages in physical exercise. After that his powers will increase relative to the trauma he suffers. For example if he accidentally stubs his toe then the gain would only be slight, however if he was to be punched in the face by a champion boxer then his gain would be greater. This doesn't mean he does the most painful things to get stronger faster though, as at his resting rate he is no more durable than anyone else. If he was to be hit by a tank shell at resting then he would be blown apart just like anyone else. How ever, theoretically he could build his powers up to be able to withstand a tank shell. His strength, speed and durability is fuelled by the energy his body builds while receiving pain. This means that although he gets more powerful, his time with that power is finite, having only until he has burned through his stored energy before returning to his resting rate. The harder he hits, the faster he moves, the more punches he takes, this all uses precious energy. A downside to his increase in durability is that eventually things that powered him before will stop hurting, failing to give him any more power. To go back to the previous example, if the boxer was to punch him once then his increase would be great. The second time the boxer punches him then the increase wouldn't be as great, as Daryl's durability would have increase, negating the boxer's ability to hurt him. If the boxer continued to hit him eventually his strikes would have no effect whatsoever, except to hurt the boxers fist. This means if Daryl wants to build himself to Zenith level power then he has to constantly find more threatening foes. Daryl's resting rate regeneration is actually higher than normal -Surface cuts and the like will heal over in the space of seconds- it has similar setbacks to his durability. Although having the ability to heal is useful to someone who routinely goes out of his way to get hurt it also means that the harder his body is working to offset the pain he's receiving then the less return he's seeing for it. Daryl's pain tolerance is astronomically high, likely a secondary effect of his powers. Even at his resting he can take hits that would knock other men out and still keep on fighting. However he can still be 'overloaded' and knocked out. Too much trauma and his nervous system will shut its self down, a defence measure that even his superhuman body can't resist. [center][u][b]Skills: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl is a talented fist fighter, athlete and wrestler, having competed in high school. Other than that he was a gifted student, evident from the numerous awards he received for academics, though he plays the role of the brainless bruiser while under the guise of Furious to lure his foes into making mistakes. Daryl's greatest skill is his ability to keep moving forward despite whatever hits he takes, physical or metaphorical. His self belief, determination and willpower sees him rising to any challenge. [center][u][b]Equipment/Resources: [/b][/u][/center] Although they don't appear to be close he has access to vast wealth due to his fathers career. The one thing his father never seen him short for was money. That said Daryl is very proud of his powers, preferring to try and utilise them rather than use any other means to solve his problems. [center][u][b]Weaknesses: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl's power is only activated by physical pain, so spiritual, mental or emotional pain will NOT give him any increase. His nervous system can be overloaded much like anyone else’s. Electrical attacks will lock his muscles, intense burns will knock him out, gases and poisons at resting rate will have near full effect. (His healing factor will help him deal with the toxins more effectively) Daryl is headstrong, eager to take on all challenges and conquer them. He has more than once bitten off more than he can chew, though rarely learns his lesson. Daryl has severe father issues. If a strong male figure was to offer him any sort of positive praise then Daryl would become very easy to influence. [center][u][b]Psychological Profile: [/b][/u][/center] Daryl can appear to be no more than a typical teen. Arrogant, angry at the world, self obsessed yet desperate to show everyone what he's got to offer. Desperate to prove himself, he will go out of his way to earn respect, respect he will then claim to never have wanted. Daryl has severe issues with his father. He has long been desperate to earn the old man's praise, throwing himself at several different challenges in the hope that his father would take notice of him. After years of fruitless endeavours Daryl claims to no longer want or need his father, but the truth is that he now does what he does just to get noticed. Daryl has been raised in the lap of luxury, though has still suffered his share of hardships. This upbringing has coloured his attitudes and personality. He has very little 'street smarts', though his recent experiences have given him an admirable crash course. [center][u][b]Biography: [/b][/u][/center] Born Diego Dominguez, the first and only son of famed, multiple Academy Award winning actor Miguel Domínguez and his supermodel/philanthropist wife, Sofira Redman, Diego's early life was the sort that most people dream about. Raised alongside the bright and the beautiful of Hollywood, Diego wanted for nothing. Very little went wrong for him, so there was very little to write about, until, that is, his tenth year on this planet. His family had been at a charity function that his mother had been running. She had so many that most can't even remember what this fundraiser was actually for anymore. Needless to say the night went perfectly, with many a contribution made before the end of the night. It was about half eleven when Dominguez family decided to call it a night, Miguel carrying the sleeping Diego out in his arms. The young boy had no idea how much that night would change his life until he heard the screams and the screeching of tires. His father handed him to the nearest friend then ran into the street, skidding to a halt next to the prone form of Sofira. It wasn't until much later that Diego would find out that his mother had been hit by a drunk driver, who then raced from the scene. She died, but she didn't die easy, suffering nearly sixteen hours of agony before passing. Miguel, always an intense yet emotionally reserved man, retreated into himself. Right when Diego needed his father the most he couldn't find him, receiving only stony silence whenever he asked him for anything. The driver was caught two weeks later, but was given a very lenient punishment by the courts. Miguel, appalled by this turn of events, left the acting world and entered politics with plans to eliminate such things from ever happening again. His skills at oration, passion and stone cold conviction propelled him into the spotlight, were he garnered masses of support for his platform on harsher punishments for potentially fatal irresponsibility's. Diego was raised by a succession of harridan like nannies during this time, Miguel believing that it was time for the boy to grow up, and to coddle him to be a mistake. Diego, swiftly realising that life was never going to be the same again, tried to forge on under his new circumstances. He took up several athletic and academic endeavours, showing a keen intellect and competitive spirit at a young age, all in a desperate need to get some sort of acknowledgement from his father. Miguel never showed much response, but Diego was not to be deterred. Then, five years ago, the awakening struck. Hundreds of super powered beings populated the earth, most untrained and irresponsible. Miguel had less time than ever for his son, fronting several anti-meta organisations. His political clout swelled, as the fearful rallied behind him. Diego still struggled against his father's indifference, heedless of the seeming impossibility of the task. It was during a boxing sparring match that his powers first manifested, Diego's durability and strength increasing until he accidentally punched his opponent clear out of the ring. His father, fearing the worst, got his son to the best, and most discrete, Meta specialist in the county. It was a bitter sort of irony, one of the county's biggest Meta critics the father of one himself. The doctors studies revealed the worst, that Diego had the ability to convert physical trauma into potentially unlimited super strength, durability, stamina, speed and regeneration. Miguel made his son promise to give up all his extra curricular activities and withdrew him from school, instead hiring a string of tutors to teach the youth. None were allowed to find out the Dominguez's secret. For the first time Diego felt like he had no more to give. How could his existence possibly become more lonely. In his despondency he began to wander the empty rooms of the Dominguez mansion, eventually coming across the one time belongings of his maternal grandfather, Daryl Redman, including a diary. Daryl had been a soldier during the Vietnam war, eventually coming home after years of savage combat to a country that had more use for him. Battling against the indifference and sometimes hostility of his home Daryl managed to provide a good life for his family through sheer determination, eventually even helping other veteran's adjust to life back on home soil. Diego couldn't help but feel a kinship with the Grandfather he had never met, his own sense of alienation due to being a Meta seemingly mirroring Daryl's story. Diego realised however that despite his gifts he wasn't utilising them nearly as well as Daryl had, wallowing in his on defeat as he was. From then on Daryl vowed that he would live a life his mother and grandfather would be proud of, and stop trying to please his own father. Taking a few belongings, including his grandfathers leather jacket, and renaming himself Daryl Redman to distance himself from his father, he took to the streets. The beginnings of his one man war on crime were disatourous, botching a police investigation that had been on going for months, though he has redeemed himself somewhat after foiling a recent super villain prison break. Nevertheless his desire to help and to further the pro-Meta cause are as fierce as ever, and with word spreading of a league of like-minded individuals being formed he is eager to join. [center][u][b]Notes: [/b][/u][/center] He has called himself Furious as a misdirection. His foes will think his powers increase with how angry he becomes, rather than how hurt he is. It has proved useful with a recent battle with the robotic Pillbox. Miguel Dominguez suspects that it is his son under Furious's mask, and so halts any investigations into the hero's true identity. Whether this is to protect himself or his son is anyone's guess. [/hider]