The general realisation that he had to get up and go out to collect stuff made Leon annoyed. This was another day where he felt the need to not go outside. But rather stay inside. Forever. But he had a job to do. A very unfortunate, soul destroying, heart breaking, hope crushing, face smelter, kick in the, getting thrown off a cliff then getting repeatedly punched in the face by sharks job. But, it was his job and he had to do it. So as he got up and got dressed in his whole 'Business' attire, waved to everyone who was in the inn working. Which was basically everyone since Leon woke up late. He went outside. "Okay, I guess today isn't [i] that [/i] bad. So, who too first.....hmmmm. Who will mostly likely not be extremely busy. Ah I know, Knowing her she'll have a crowd of things around her. Mostly like chickens, but probably people as well. Like most people, Leon knew the town like the back of his hand. Really though, he looked at the back of his hand all the time. Too much, now that Leon thought about it. It also wouldn't hurt to find that new farmer guy, he probably was worth talking to. Leon liked meeting new people. His train of thought quickly lead him to the chicken farm, with the very funny name of peck for the family. [i] What a coincidence. [/i] Leon looked around, Quickly finding a tiny crowd of people. One of the people he didn't remember. Leon assumed he must be the new person, he remembered everyone. "Viviveen! Vi, Chicken girl, Pecko, Come out. I really can't be bother to look for you. Even if you are right in front of" Leon leaned forward. She was doing her work, she looked busy. But Leon depended on her for the most valuable things. What would he do without her? Well, make Egg salads was one. "I need the eggs, also...That's the new guy right? We're getting a new guy? Right?" Leon was definitely in ear shot of the person. But he was busy, with La Rosa. And while he could of helped him, it was way too fun to watch. Leon turned his head back to Viv who hopefully didn't just ignore him.