Lyca watched as Christian left the room, he looked tired and gestured if she needed him, he would be down the hall. But she wasn't tired yet, sure it was a busy day but she was still vary curious and wanted to figure out how to comunicate with the male. She eyed the computer for a while wondering if she could figure out his language from it, she didn't move for a while though. As soon as she was sure that her leg was okay she got up and slowly walked over to the computer, she looked down the hall to make sure that the male wasn't there. She looked at the computer and tilted her head to the side, trying to remember his code to get into the system. She didn't see what things he pushed but she did see the way his hands moved but that was enough for her. Sitting down in the chair she slowly typed in the code to get into his computer before pressing the button that looked like the enter button. At first nothing happened and she worried that she did something wrong but the screen suddenly came to life. She looked at the screen trying to see if she could figure out his language, it was then that she clicked on a file that was coded. But she recognized the numbers and symbols, it was language of the gray ones. A species long dead, but it was said that they had given some of their knowledge to young races in the far reaches of the galaxy. Lyca's heart began to race as Christian's langauge was making sense to her, every word and sound was becoming clear the more the file decoded it self. Lyca in her excitement quickly got up and went to find Christian, she didn't really care that he may be asleep, though it had been many hours since he had gone to bed. She wanted to share what she learned, though the small thought that he might be upset that she snooped. BUt she didn't dwell on that thought for long, she quickly went down the hall before coming to Christian's door. "Christian? Christian, I learned yer langauge." She said while tapping on his door, though she had a heavey russian like accent.