The person standing at the front door was certainly a sight to behold. It was almost like staring right back at a mirror, which was most appropriate in Amy's case. The person standing at the front door was a girl roughly around Amy's age, perhaps just a bit younger. Pale skin contrasted with long black hair and deep red eyes that stared back at the maid. Speaking of such, the girl also wore an elegant monochrome maid outfit, much akin to Amy's own attire. Indeed, the girl looked much like a vampire; of course, such things didn't exist. No, this girl was entirely human. Smiling gently, the girl bowed before Amy. "Well hello there. I'm looking for the Henderson residence and was wondering if this was the right location. I hope I'm not intruding on anything here." Placed next to her feet were two large suitcases; apparently she was here to stay. Curious about the whole exchange, Phillip, still wrapped up in Amy's blanket, peeked behind his maid to see what was going on. "Hey Amy, who's at the doo-Ariel?" Phillip blinked once as he took a good look at the second maid before him. "It is you...uh, hey Ariel. How's it going?" The maid named Ariel smiled wider as she saw Phillip, bringing her hands to her cheeks to feel the warm blush growing on them. "Goodness, you've grown so much since I last saw you Master Phillip! It's so nice to hear your lovely voice again." "Eh, yeah..."