The first indication that anyone was approaching was Sadie once again lifting her muzzle from her paws, floppy ears perking with curiosity. Osiris first noticed her interest before half a heartbeat later he could hear the sounds of car tires crunching over gravel. His hearing might not be as good as his dog's, But it was close enough to be frightening. A car door slammed and the sound of footsteps approaching the shop could be heard. A few seconds before she appeared, a familiar scent reached his nose, Carried along by the wind breezing in through the open front doors. Lilah interred the woodworking shop like a burst of sunshine, Though red rather than yellow, and bestowed the occupants with a brilliant smile and a greeting before she trailed over to the golden retriever whose tail almost instantly began to wiggle happily, thumping rhythmically against the wooden floor. "how are you doing?" She said warmly as she began to scratch the dog behind her large ears. Si lifted both of his eyebrows, Adopting a slightly wounded and rather dramatic look upon his face. "are you asking about my well-being or the canine's?" Sadie huffed quietly, attempting to lick The newcomers face, As if jumping the gun and answering the question herself. It made the Carpender laugh softly and give his head a rueful shake. "I suppose it doesn't matter. Good morning Lilah. And how might you be this fine day?"