"Sasha is more resilient then you think. She will be fine to battle again, I'm more then sure" Master amie said to Wes, "but it is a good thing that you are concerned for your guild mates" Master Jamie watched the battle between Mayt and Lazarus closely. He could tell what would happen, and he was ready to step in at a moments notice, but when the battle was brought to a stop, she let out a soft sigh, leaning back, and thinking. This would be a hard decision, but one he had to make wisely, for if you were given s class without being ready for it, then it could be a whole world of trouble. While she believed all her guild members had the potential to be S class wizards, she didn't want any of them getting seriously hurt. They were both powerful wizards, but power wasn't everything when it came to being a S class wizard. You needed strength of mind, body and soul. You needed trust in yourself. in the end, the decision was easier then Master Jamie thought, but still a hard one to make. "Mayt, you fought well, but you don't trust yourself, or your magic. You held back because you were worried of hurting Lazarus seriously, a good trait in a friend, but you fear what you magic could do. You have the potential to become an S class wizard, but not just yet, I'm thinking. Lazarus, you've always been sure of yourself, so this fight should take that down a notch, even if you are the one proceeding to the next round. Go, rest the both of you. Jarvis has medical supplies, but as I understand it, Damian is happily fixing Sasha' injuries, so I bet if you asked real nicely, he'd help with yours as well" Master Jamie sighed once more, "Mayt vs Lazarus, victor [b]Larazus[/b]. Angelo, Scier and Wes will be drawn out with Sasha and Mayt having a second change to fight any of them. I'll draw the names out now, but you do not have to fight for another hour" It didn't take Master Jamie long to draw out the names, with Jarvis having them at the ready, "Angelo, vs Sasha, which means its Scier vs Wes" Sasha put up with the doctoring, but as soon as Damian was finished she virtually inhaled the rest of her cake, and finished her drink, feeling much better. "Thank you" She said to Damian, hearing the raging battle, and wondering how it was going. She would have liked to see how it was going, but figured not bleeding out was a priority. She rose as he finished, "I'm just going to go change, I'll be back soon" She jogged to her dorm room, and changed shirts, returning in a matter of minutes. Which was when she heard her name called out again, and she let out a soft groan. Angelo. How could she fight Angelo? She'd have to, wouldn't she? How long would she last in another battle, injured? It seemed like something to worry about, but she would till put up her best sshot. She let out a sigh, "Well, we may yet get to fight again" She said to Damian, looking up as Mayt came stumbling into the hall. She felt stupid asking, but still did, "Are you okay?" It was obvious he wasn't