Damian had watched the fight between Lazarus and the other sword wielder, apparently named Mayt, when he hadn't been bandaging up Sasha. Every movement they had made he made sure to note and study mentally, looking for some kind of tactical advantage to be had in it. As it stood, it seemed he would now be facing Lazarus next and there was a lot of things to consider. "I've got the supplies, I'd be happy to help patch the others up." Making Mayt sit down near him, he picks the rag back up and sets to cleaning his wounds. [i]That demonic form was interesting...he called it Satan. If he's going to unleash some of his top tier magic, I can't hold back. Armageddon Storm, Radial Slice, and my other stronger spells will have to come off the shelf.[/i] While still thinking of the best strategy, Damian decides to introduce himself to Mayt. "I'm Damian Gerard. I take it you're the Mayt guy Lazarus just fought?"