Since Veronica was met without a response for a few minutes, she decided to flip over on her side. The fake frustration of her face dissipated when she saw Ditto standing over her. Although it was still a hard concept to grasp that #1 and #2 had their own personas, she hoped it was 2. She'd be able to figure it out though given a couple minutes of conversation as she still harbored resentment for 1. "Yo..."she said with a sigh. "Didn't mean to just sneak up on you. You doing ok since coming back to the team? I know everything is a little crazy right now with the new recruits who've been coming in. Canary said it was the better..." Ditto2 said recalling the memories of the original Ditto. "I'm alright. I haven't met any of the new recruits yet...personally anyway. But is this what we do? Replace the ones who passed with newbies?" Veronica knew fully well that additions would have been made with or without missing teammates. She was just questioning him for his response. "How soon after patriot died did you get the first of them?" She turned back over, and closed her eyes. "The League's intention for this team was to lead young metahumans to becoming heroes and not superpowered thugs. I'm not even from Earth and I understand that. It'll always be a revolving door no matter who our den mother is or what sponsor's ego is bruised. Patriot, Plas, Apollo, Cyber, none of them HAD to die. But they did because they weren't as trained as they thought they were..." he tried explaining putting an arm on her shoulder, "Most of the new heroes have only recently showed up..." She turned with a wink. "No worries. I was just curious. How have things been since I left?" she sat upright and motioned for him to sit next to her. She could tell it was 2 now. Maybe she'd make some of her famous bbq sauce for him. "Man, I've got so much to tell you about my time with the bro..." "It's been a lot of the same, some heroes coming and going. After 3 came back Kilian got a power boost he's been a little less talkative to us duplicates.... what's up with Static these days? I heard he made the League a few months back..." Ditto2 asked taking a seat next to Shock who was kind of covering up with her jacket. "Everyone's been taking the deaths pretty hard... He's been tough on me, I guess, to make sure I'm not next... Sometimes i feel like..."she hesitated for a moment. "Like I won't be able to catch up to him, you know?". For now that was the only concern she was willing to have out in the open. "He's got a few years on you, V. Of course he's always gonna have the experience advantage, but ne day you'll be right up there with him in terms of power and skill. And for the record, aside from the accident a year ago on your steel pipe staff, I still think it's cooler than riding a manhole cover..." Ditto2 then said with a grin. Under her brown skin was the undertone of a blush forming. "Thanks. Hey, how about i own you on the PS6?"she said, moving towards the tv to hook it up. She was thankful she could hide her huge grin since her back was facing towards him. "If you wanna go again on that... what was it... Soul Calibur VIII, that's cool. Use Old Man Voldo again and I'm quitting though. Guy creeps me out worse than Brallian blood slugs..." he responded noting in his mind just how cute that grin was when he caught a glimpse for about three seconds. E / ~KL~