[quote=thewizardguy] The Judge watches the exchange with an almost impassive calm, with the air of one watching a squabble between children. A deeply annoying superiority, and a degree of sympathy, as if he was dealing with the unfortunate victims of a debilitating mental condition. It bled into his stance, his voice, and the very feeling of his aura, and, most infuriatingly, it was genuine. "Clinging on, unthinkingly, unchangably. It cannot be helped. You are two-dimensional beings, stuck within your own frame of mind. Can you not feel the corruption that permeats the very existence of this plane? Is the nature of reality not that of change, and should it thus not change even in it's most funadamental basics? A system of life and death, broken by fools who cheat an incompetent reaper. Is it not better simply to.... wipe the slate? To erase all the mistakes, all the foolishness, all the petty emotions and survival instincts that have broken the will of our creator?"The judge steps forward, and as he does so, a ripple of power flows through the remains of the dimension. The white ground, formed from the manifested fabric of reality, neither matter nor energy, seemed to be falling away into darkness. Sucked into the void, strands of existence torn from the weave. With every step, the area remaining grows smaller, the edge of reality creeping ever closer to those who would stand against that Judge. "You who would stand against the end, clinging to fragments of a life steeped in failure and mistakes, know that it is with pity that I end your pathetic existence. Unable to comprehend the true reality, which underlies this world formed from sound and smell, the basic building blocks of this world, you hold on to that which you can feel, fearing the unknown." His smile quivers for a moment, as the darkness seems to flow through the cracks in the ground. The Void, realm of Omega, the Primal of the Apocalypse. It gathered in his hands, as his very existence shimmered, power gathering and multiplying, as he prepared to wipe out those who stood against him. "It will be over soon, dear children." [/quote] "For you anyway." A voice muses from behind the judge "after all, you did make two fatal mistakes."