The chicken farm had quickly became a town square as a handful of the residents came from their hiding to meet David. Or perhaps 'harass' David was a better term for the situation. Vivienne sighed trying to ignore the ridiculous conversation that the three were having right outside her fence. The day had been a roller coaster so far, down and up on the emotional scale at least three times already. Lucky for Vi there wasn't too much debris to clean up in the coop, as she made sure to keep the place tidy everyday, instead of letting it build up as some might. She picked 20 eggs before returning herself back to the three, soon to be four. "Viviveen! Vi, Chicken girl, Pecko, Come out. I really can't be bother to look for you. Even if you are right in front of" Leon. Vivienne had known Leon for quite awhile now; her mother and his had been friends for quite along time and often shared cooking secrets back and forth in the midst of their gossip. Vivienne smiled at him giving a friendly wave, [i]"Good Morning!"[/i] she chirped happily at him, giving a gracious wave with her free hand; the other occupied with a carton of eggs. "I need the eggs, also...That's the new guy right? We're getting a new guy? Right?" [i]"You need eggs or you want eggs?"[/i] Vi asked with a smirk. She had given Leon over a thousand eggs since getting the coop, and he hand't paid her not once. Mrs. Peck said that a young girl shouldn't be so concerned about money, and should be more concerned about building a relationship with Leon. Vivienne had other plans in mind though. [i]"I'll drop some eggs off after I go to the store to sell most of these."[/i] she commented, placing the carton into Leon's hands while she climbed over the fence to the other side. Reaching to the other side she took the carton back from Leon with a nod. [i]"Thanks- and yes, that's the new guy. His name is David. You should introduce yourself, he's a nice enough guy."[/i] Vivienne stated, looking from Leon to La Rosa to the Joel (who she didn't really realize was there until now. who her mother would have killed her for not saying hello and giving some blessings to.), and then to David with a cheeky grin. [i]"Ya'll don't have to go home, but I'd like it if you took the wedding reception else where."[/i] Vi stated loud enough to be heard, but not yelling. She started to head out to the road towards the general store without a real formal goodbye to the four. She just gave a slight wave and hoped they would have got the message.