The blue glow of the ritual site faded in the distance, as the group of students crowded around the smallest dorm. The building was tall, at least 5 stories, made of stone bricks, the slanted roofing being made of wood. The building looked nice, with its many windows, not one of which seemed random. If you were looking at this building alone, you would think that it was amazing, in all of its grey-bricked glory, but if you looked at the other two dorms, which were larger, and ordained with many ornaments, with larger, and more extravagant windows, it would seem like nothing more than a boring shack. For one reason or another, this group of students had been pushed into Grey dorm, home to the students who are the least likely to succeed. Most of the students, though, had been pushed down from white dorm, since they ran out of room, and had to put some students in grey. A man in grey robes, with short black hair, tinged with grey, stood in front of the large double doors of grey dorm, holding a key, and talking. "Hello those of you unfortunate enough to be placed in this dorm. My name is Damien Krey. You may call me Mr. Krey. I will be running this dorm for the duration of your stay, so if you have any problems with the dorms, I am the mage to talk to." He motioned his arm towards the dorm. "The first floor has a few rooms, the foyer, which is more like a small lounge, so at least you have somewhere comfortable to sit. There is also a small kitchen, if you want to prepare yourself a meal in-dorm, instead of eating in the dining hall. The storage closet is also on the first floor. All other floors are dorm rooms, each floor holds 4 rooms, each room holds 2 people. I must tell you now, that your roommate is, and will always have to be your partner." Mr. Krey quickly turned around and began to unlock the door to the grey dorm. "Well, now that that's over, let us enter. Any items you sent before hand should already be in your room." The door opened into the foyer, the room had many sets of chairs around small tables, all of which were a dull grey. Aegis listened to the man's words, but payed more attention to Cordelia. Watching her, looking around her, and prevent anyone from getting too close. Aegis was still getting used to the fact that he was now his master's shield in more ways than one. (They have you summon your weapon/attempt magic for a sort of entrance exam) Aegis was not one to be shocked by information though, so he kept a plain face, and watched Cordelia like a hawk.