-Jenna- Jenna chuckled softly when Will mentioned daywalkers and the sun, shaking her head as she laughed quietly. As the topic turned back to Mary's death and the pain and fear it was causing the D'finn nest and the rest of the community, Jenna's visage sobered. "It is hard and fear-inducing to lose someone we all care about, especially someone as strong and resilient as Mary. I honestly have no idea, but I intend to find out who or what did this before anyone else can be hurt, and then I intended to end it," Jenna said in a cold tone, her face turning to a rare expression of anger. Jenna was one of the sweetest, most caring little old ladies you would ever meet, and generally was always happy and loving towards everyone; but when someone messed with the people and town she loved, a rare glimpse of an angry, and quite honestly frightening, Jenna sometimes could be seen. At that moment, Will would have been able to see that terrifyingly angry look. When Jenna realized that she was letting the anger that was boiling inside her show on the surface, she took a deep breath and cleared her expression. Jenna reached out and tenderly patted Will's shoulder and in her usual kind and soft voice said, "I'm sorry about that Will. I let the anger get the best of me for a second there, but I know that anger won't bring Mary back, or stop whatever did this. I find that even in my old age, I still get fired up and think my pure fury will defeat anything that hurts those I love, but you and I both know that if this thing was able to kill Mary, then rushing in blindly with fury blinding our eyes will only get us killed as well. I figure until we figure out who or what did this and a plan, we best continue our lives. Would you like to come by the soda shop for a drink or something to eat?" -Rose- Rose walked behind the counter and started turning everything on as Connor talked to her. "Haha, well I'm sorry anyways. In my head I'm about six feet tall, but in reality my legs are so short I practically have to jog everywhere just to keep up with everyone," Rose joked light-heartedly. "One cream soda with mango ice cream coming right up," She assured, while smiling lightly back at him and starting to pulling out the ingredients she need to make his order. Rose delicate hearing picked up the sound of the buzzing as the phone rang, and started looking around for the source for a second. When Connor pulled out the phone a deep pink shade brushed across Rose's cheekbones as she blushed out of embarrassment at her confusion over something as silly as a cellphone. Rose shook her head slightly, trying to rid her thoughts of the embarrassment. Rose took the money from him, and then continued making his order. She glanced up at him occasionally as he talked, curious about what he was talking about, but knowing she shouldn't get involved. The D'finn heads didn't like her enough as it was, so the last thing she needed to do was get involved in their business or mess with the nephew of the head of the D'finns. By the time he got off the phone Rose had his order ready. "Of course!" Rose replied to his request. She pulled out a to-go cup and transferred the contents over. Rose was handing the cup Connor the cup when he started talking about Rose being a D'finn and coming to the D'finn nest with him. She froze for a second, her eyes piercing into his in confusion and distrust, before she gave a single quiet huff of a sarcastic laugh and set his cup and change down on the counter in front of him. "I don't like them? You're kidding, right?" Instead of letting him answer she shook her head, put her hands on her hips as she decided better than to go down that road, and started talking again. "I'll be fine here by myself, no one will mess with me. I know when I'm not wanted somewhere, and the D'finn nest is definitely one of those place. Anyways, why should I trust you? I barely know you. Why would you even want me to go with you? Besides, I can't just close the shop when customers are probably going to be stopping by at any moment," Rose retorted. Just as she was talking about customers the bells on the door chimed the arrival of said customers, only further backing up her point. When Rose realized it was Roland she took a deep breath of relief and relaxed. Rose didn't even realize she had become so uptight, flustered, frustrated and nervous in the moment until she relaxed. The relief was apparent in her features and the way she held herself once Roland arrived. Rose recognized after a second that a girl had entered with Roland. The girl looked really familiar, but Rose felt like she hadn't seen her in a while. After another second of deliberation, Rose placed the face as Kira- a lycan who had left the country for a while to train with extended family.