(I feel like making my character about the same as he was the first time around, once again, so time to bring back the insane, kind-hearted murdering scythe-wielder! Even if he's not using a scythe this time around...) name: John appearance: [hider=John][img]http://pixbim.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/anime-guy.jpg[/img][/hider] bio: John always loved martial arts, always getting a thrill out of swinging a bo-staff in swift, controlled motions that flow into one another. Ever since he was a child he's been training with martial arts, the bo-staff being his favorite style to use. He remembers his childhood quite fondly, well... What he can remember. There's often gaps in his memory, every time starting directly before someone got seriously injured, and ending anywhere between a few minutes to an hour or two later. As he got into his teenage years, his mother often nearly forced someone to be with him at all times, he could never understand why. Once he hit the legal age to move out, he instantly did so, having felt smothered the entire time. Once he finally got his freedom, something odd began to happen... A large number of murders began to pop up around town, and often, the police would question him. His black-outs just so happened to coincide with the times of each of these murders. As the police came to his house to arrest him, everything went black. The next memory he had after that was of walking away from his house, holding his hand to a painful spot on his chest. He quite clearly remembers moving his hand away from his chest to see his hand covered in blood, but then, once again... Nothing. preferred weapon: Glaive current weapon: The scythe that the reaper had (Koran gave it to John, figured I should update this) personality: (Soul, you know how me and explaining my characters' personalities works... I prefer to let others judge him themselves) likes: Martial arts, his friends, jokes, *black out* the scent of blood... The feeling of skin slowly separating as a blade cuts through... Or even... The feeling and sound of someone's skull cracking... heheheh... dislikes: Jerks, Friends getting hurt *black out* Friends... The lack of the scent of blood... Seems that's lacking right now... I'd love to fix that... Wouldn't you? rival: (no idea yet) friend: (no idea yet) crush: (no idea yet)