Pot'Apher saluted Arios, slamming his own fist against his own breastplate, "Emperor's blessing and his strength in your arm brother!" He was about to try and start joking with the Terminator armor clad marine when the orders came over the vox. As the orders were given he smiled, slamming his helmet down onto his head. And pointed at a waiting Thunderhawk. He rung up the assault squads on his his Vox, "Brothers, mount up." As the terminators mounted the Land Raiders, the Vanguard and their Assault troop peers jumped into the Thunderhawk. As the last assault marine jumped aboard Pot'Apher called forward, "Pilots! Get us airborne, and make for the front. Stay above the Land Raiders." The Thunderhawk blazed into the sky. Moments later Pot'Apher pulled the side door of the Thunderhawk open. Grabbed a support spar inside the Hawk, then leaned out to watch as they flew over the battlefield. He hrmed, a smile on his face behind his helmet. He looked back at his Veterans, "Squad Pot'Apher. Look down there? What do you see? I'll tell you, decadence, disease, rage and lies. Those are the currency of Chaos. Each and every man, woman and creature down there has sold their soul to one of those aspects. And the only way to even give them a chance at redemption is to pre-empt their further corruption." He sent a mental command through his armor. The engines on his jump pack flaring into life, small blue flames blazing into life. "Ask no quarter, because they will not give it. Give no quarter, because they will ask for none of it! This is the day, where we bring the Emperor's light back to this benighted world. This is the day, that they die!" He motioned and the other side door, and the back door to the Thunderhawk boomed open. The Vanguard troops and the assault marines all stacking up at the doors. Pot'Apher smiled then with all the true grit someone who has lived for hundreds of years can muster. He leaps out of the side of the Thunderhawk. He's followed close by the Assault squads and his own Vanguard squads. Ten thousand feet in the air, the marines descend like armored bombs. Feet first Pot'Apher falls. Firing his jump pack in small bursts to correct his descent. As the Terminators began their attack, the Assault Squads arrived. Jump pack blazing the close combat marines slammed right into the midst of several unaware, unprepared groups of traitor infantry. The Terminators at a distance could have been manageable. These men would have had time to prepare for their likely end. But suddenly, it's like the sky cracked open and dropped a green clad thunderbolt right into their midst. Shouts of surprise went up, conflicting orders and men firing wildly, some hitting friendlies, some of those wild las-bolts hitting the ceramite of the Assault Marines. The Marines in their midst sprung into action as soon as they landed. In the span of the few seconds that it took for the enemy to fire wildly, the Vanguard and the Assault Marines already with weapons in hand began to take a hefty toll.