[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg/640px-Coat_of_arms_of_the_Empire_of_Brazil.svg.png[/img] ImpĂ©rio do Brasil (Empire of Brazil) [i]IndependĂȘncia ou Morte![/i][/center] The treaty, that Britain showed, proves that they are not the be trusted. They can lie to their teeth in order to gain an ally in a pointless war, that is just increasing the death rate in Europe. The Empire of Brazil thinks that peace is the best idea for the British and the Ottoman Empire, as most of her allies have surrounded or even gone to war with them. But, to make such that British and her allies don't attack once more, we have the right to defend the Dutch's sovereignty over their Caribbean colonies. I hope that this brings peace for the world. [i]~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil[/i].