"Hmph." Yori lay still for several moments after he woke up. Masato's voice, and Kozue's, were both trying to reach him, but for the moment he was stubbornly refusing to answer. It was less irritating to lay there and collect his thoughts. Eventually, he opened his eyes and sat up. He shook his head back and forth, both to answer Masato and to clear the lingering fog. "We were drugged. Beyond that, I have no idea." Kozue's hand fit neatly into his. Their fingers laced together as he looked back into his companion's shaking eyes. "We can't go home. Not yet. Look at the sky." A free finger pointed up above his head as he spoke. "I don't know if you see what I see, but that's...not normal. We're...I don't know, strung out. High on something. Can't just wander off while we're like this." One of the underclassmen was having a fit. Maybe the drug was affecting her worse than them. He called out to her as she stared forward towards some markings on the wall. "Hey. You. Are you alright?"