As soon as Jeremiah hears the sound of sloshing, and the voice's taunting, he scrambles to his feet. He looked at the other two with panicked eyes, and looks at the other remaining spears and grabs the nearest one. [i] "here fishy fishy fishy" [/i] he hears from behind him. Jeremiah scowls, "Shutup! If we're gonna find this fish we need to stand still and not make noise. He wants us to panic. You!-" He says pointing at the guy who he scowled at, then points to the nearest corner he was standing " watch this area over here! And you!" He points at the other guy with brown hair. "You watch this corner!" He points to the corner that the brown haired guy stood nearest to. " I'll cover this whole side! Just be sure to check behind you guys once and a while, and stand freaking still!" Jeremiah's eyes scowered the water, his spear poised above his head, the point facing towards the water ready to strike when ready. It was awkward to hold, but there was no time to think of a better way to hold it. He needed to find the fish first.